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Coverage Of Events Behind The Nationalist Discourse And Framework

Posted on:2015-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, a series of nationalism events have sprung up in our country,which draw the high attention of the public, especially for the mass media. As thehottest nationalism event at the movement, the Diaoyu Islands dispute is verycomplex tissue which evolves Sino-Japanese relations, the sensitive relations amongChinese Mainland, Tai Wan and Hong Kong. So how do their local media constructthis dispute is the main study purpose for the paper.With the curiosity, the paper trys to study and analyze the news reports aboutDiaoyu Islands dispute by certain media from the three districts, so that we can get toknow the different ways of constructing the media discourse. Generally speaking, thispaper consists of five chapters, the first two chapters mainly introduce the researchcontent, the methods and some related concepts about the study. The third and fourthchapters are the key content of the paper which through the frame analysis anddiscourse analysis to study the specific media report framework. While the lastchapter is about the interactive mechanism between media reporting and nationalism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Diaoyu Island incident, Nationalism, Nationalism events, Mediareporting, Reporting framework
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