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Research On The Influence Factors Of Internet Rumor Spread

Posted on:2014-10-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S HuaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425951634Subject:Applied Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Not only has the internet increased the efficiency of communication, it has also brought out severe crises in the real world. Messages can be circulated all over the world in just seconds. As a result, geographical barriers have been virtuall y broken down. In the network environment, the rumors message is easier to copy, paste and forward, which makes the rumors can often quickly spread to the entire network, causing adverse effects.In this study,the microblogging rumorsrepresentative of Internet rumors,type from the rumors, rumors credibility, feeling unsettled and individual altruistic motives several aspects, to analyze the factors that affect the the Internet rumors admissible and dissemination.In this study, a total of188copies is sample, using analysis of variance, regression analysis of the data discussed.The main conclusion of this study:(1) The source and content characteristics of the Internet rumor affecting the rumors credibility.(2) The credibility of Internet rumors,uncertainty and an audience of people’s altruistic motivation positive to predict audience rumors spread willingness.(3) Network involvement plays a regulating role of the relationship between the credibility of Internet rumor and the pass along intention to secondary spread rumors by audience.(4) Network involvement plays a regulating role of the relationship between the feeling unsettled and the pass along intention to secondary spread rumors by audience. (5) Product Involvement plays a regulating role of the relationship between the credibility of Internet rumor and the pass along intention to secondary spread rumors by audience.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet rumors, the rumor credibility, rumors spread
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