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Net Citizen Discourse Power And Network Public Domain Construction In Public Communication Era

Posted on:2014-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q W JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401488803Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With Network Communication leading humans into bran-new PublicCommunication Era, net citizens are born and the number is becoming large. PublicCommunication Era not only provides opportunities for net citizens to expressopinions and achieve discourse power but also promotes bilateral good interactivityand then ensures the society developing harmoniously at the base of net citizen andconstructs Network Public Domain coordinating the relationship between politicalcountry and civil society. Net Citizen Discourse Power and Network Public Domainare at the base of net citizen carrier as network, their relationship is close and theyinteract. Currently, problems existed in the process of Net Citizen Discourse notonly concerns about whether itself can be achieved or not, but also obstructsNetwork Public Domain achieving value and leads to social issues.This article bases on Marxism position, viewpoint, method and also borrowsideas from Foucault’s discourse power, Habermas’ correlation theory public domainand using methods from modern communication, ethics, social psychology. Itresearches and cards current situation of network public domain in China andanalyses present problems of net citizen discourse power combing actual networkevent and raises counter measure directly, and promotes net citizen discourse andpower network public domain construction and then pushes the society democraticprogress. Academic structure and train of thought of this article is: Chapter Onemainly introduces researching background, summary, method and significance;Chapter Two mainly researches into the connotation and historical development ofpublic communication era; Chapter Three mainly introduces the rights andobligation of net citizen; Chapter Four mainly realizes network public domain and understands fully the relationship of net citizen discourse power and networkpublic domain; Chapter Five mainly analyses the present problems of net citizendiscourse power and raises solvements and promotes development of public domain;Lastly summarizes the paper and outlooks of the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public Communication Era, Net Citizen Discourse Power, Network Public Domain
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