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The Design And Implement Of Online Video Meeting System Of Drug Addiction Treatment In Zhongshan Public Security Bureau

Posted on:2014-09-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G D CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401458983Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In order to protect the right of Drug Rehabilitation Center inmates to keep in touch with their families’ members, the Zhongshan Municipal Public Security Bureau further promote theinnovation of Humane Management System in the Correctional Institution. Subject to the Interim Provision of Guangdong Public Security Bureau regarding Online Video Conversation Services Provided to the Administrative Detainees, the Zhongshan Municipal Public Security Bureau has developed an Online Video Conversation System based on the actual circumstanceof the treatment centre. By using the Internet technology, this system enables inmates to haveonline video interaction with their families, relatives or friends who are unable to visit the treatement centre due to long travel distance or other special inconvenient reasons.The video meeting system adopts structure development method and abides by relativerequirements in the stage of system analysis, system design, system implementation andsystem test. Through the system analysis, the main functions of the video meeting systeminclude online application process and video meeting process. The design includes overallsystem design which clear C/S model as the system development model and draw overallfunctional structure of FIG and detailed system design which includes database design,interface design and process design. In the stage of system implementation, developmentenvironment is.Net Framework, programming language is C#, database language is SQL. Inorder to ensure effective operation of the system, system test is conducted through manual testand machine test.With the system on-line operation, the foreign inmates and their families have the chanceto communicate, contribute to their families offensive drug trainees probation education.There are three benefits. First, there is conducive to the consolidation of the physiologicallydetoxification to the conversion of mental detoxification effect. Secondly, to reduce andmitigate the prisoner’s homesick. Again, being conducive to the prison safety management,the Zhongshan prisoners violation rate is on the decline. The system safety management ofZhongshan rehab have a positive effect, and get a good social effect. The social from all walksof life, prisoners and their families is consistent high praise are put forward. To change for along time the social from all walks of life in the new media era of supervisory areas badimpression has played a positive role.
Keywords/Search Tags:Drug relief reformatory, Video meeting system, New media, Structuredevelopment method
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