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Sociology Industrial Pollution Causes Lens Village Explanation

Posted on:2014-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330401958538Subject:Sociology of Ethnicity
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the process of China’s modernization, indu strialization of rural areas is also booming. However, with the developme nt in rural areas, the environmental problems of the rural areas has gradua lly emerged at the same time, such as Jing village. By in-depth investigati on of Jing village, the author had surveyed the survival mode and the indu strial pollution of it, comprehended how the villager of it acquire wealth. The author also tried to reveal the reason for the deteriorating environmen t of Jing village from the point of view of livelihood in this village.Analysis found that, the idea about environment of villager of Jing vi llage associated with the deterioration of the living environment.The villa ger knew that the deterioration of the environment is caused by industrial production, but they lacked the motivation and methods to stop the destru ction of the environment.The direct cause that leaded to the pollution of Ji ng village was the changes of livelihoods-from agricultural production to industrial production. The most important casue of the industrial pollutio n was that the concept about acquire wealth has changed.The extended limited environmental space, compliment with customary environment and oriented environment paradoxical, related to the formation of industrial pollution, these features make the industrial pollution possible. The limited extension of environmental space leads embankments, ravines, etc. become ownerless territory. The compliment with customary exacerbated the gathering of industrial pollution. As a matter of fact, contradictory itself had been the a eradicate cause of the industrial pollution. Social transformation brought fame and fortune to the village, and leaded to industrial pollution at the same time.Industrial production cut off man and the close relationship between the land and undermine the sanctity of the land. Protection of land is very outdated in front of industrial production. People in the village can not really sacrifice their own interests to protect the environment, but pursuit of economic interests while sacrificing the environment. In the modern society, economic interests become the pursuit of the ultimate value of the village, which not only caused the change from agricultural production to industrial production of the livelihood pattern, but also leaded to tangible damage to the environment.This research is based on observation, interview. This paper used the main cultural ecology theory, victimization ring/benefit circle theory, social dilemma theory and social transformation. These theories are not to make a simple list, but to analysis the cause of the industrial pollution. Reasons caused industrial pollution of this village includes changes in livelihoods, environmental behavior, life stress, and so on. Therefore, the conclusion drawed by the theories above is logical.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jing Village, Industrial Pollution, Livelihood, SocialDilemma Theory, Social Change
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