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Research On Management Of The3PL Enterprises’ Transport Suppliers

Posted on:2010-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330392951656Subject:Logistics Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rise of Third Party Logistics Company in90century is the one of theoutstanding achievements in logistics industry. More and moreenterprises improved the enterprise’s core competitiveness throughintegrating and upgrading the supply chain by outsourcing non-corebusinesses to a third party. As an important part in the supply chain, the3PL company also has the basic characteristics of general enterprises, soit should integrate its’ own supply chain immediately. How to cooperatewith suppliers in operation issues, how to manage and control suppliersbecome the key problems in the supply chain integration. Therefore, forthird party logistics enterprises, it needs to give in-depth research andanalysis on supplier management issues.First, the thesis discusses the background and significance of suppliermanagement of the third party logistics’, analyzing the strengths andweaknesses of using suppliers. Second, proposing approaches aboutsupplier management by analyzing the characteristics of3PL’s suppliers,then giving analysis on the issues arising from supplier using andproposing corresponding solutions, and establishes a supplier evaluationmodel by using the analytic hierarchy process. Study has a high referencevalue and learning significance for the3PL’s enterprise supplier management.
Keywords/Search Tags:3PL, Supply Chain Management, Transport
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