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The Development Research Of Xinjiang Tourist Commodities

Posted on:2013-11-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Z YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374466943Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
“Eating, living, travelling, touring, entertaining, shopping” are six essentialelements of tourism, shopping is an elastic consumption among the elements and it is anindispensable part of tourist industry, because the level of tourist commodity salesincome is a measure of the development level of a nation’s tourist industry. But for along time people have not paid enough attention to tourist shopping, the development oftourist commodities is a weak link, it leads to tourist industry structure imbalance. soanalyzing and solving the problems of tourist commodities can make the developmentof tourist industry develop coordinated. Besides it is also very meaningful for increasingtourist income and economic development level of tourist destination area.At first the writer make clear domestic and foreign research status of touristcommodities through reading literature, then define the concept of tourist commoditieson the basis of research status and discuss the important position and significance inimproving economic development level of tourist destination area,discuss the developprinciple, mode and approach. Secondly, analyze tourist’s buying behavior throughquestionnaire survey, it can also gain the perception of Xinjiang tourist commoditiesthrough the questionnaire, then combined with field survey to find out the problems inthe development of Xinjiang tourist commodities. Thirdly, analyze current situation ofXinjiang tourist industry, tourist commodities market and tourist market to make marketsituation clear. In the end, summarize the basic develop ideas on the basis of previoussection, then put forward series development strategy Xinjiang local products、nationalhandicraft、ordinary handicraft、cosmetic products、print and publications and tourismarticles of everyday use. At last give advices from three aspects as follows: the design oftourist commodities、marketing and government policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xinjiang, tourist commodities, series development
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