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The Story Of "Change The City":the Situation

Posted on:2014-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J TangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Aug.222011, government of Anhui province announced an administrative implementation in a large scale on a press conference, which included2items:A) to abolish former Chaohu City in prefecture level, set up a new Chaohu city in county level based on former Chaohu city’s Juchao district; B) to divide remaining region of former Chaohu city into3parts, one of which merges into Hefei city along with new Chaohu city, while Wuhu and Ma’anshan city take the remained two parts. This article adopts field research method, through an expanded the perspective of communication, and concentrates on administration adjustment. The author wants to discuss how to establish agreement between the government and resident on the issue above, and also try to explore the way of building a "new city community" based on the recent changes in administrate region, communication, and identification of residents.This article is about to discuss the "City-changing story" on three dimensions which called "situation, media and communication".On the situational dimension, the writer explains the background of this issue. Furthermore, the whole process of this issue is illustrated through the discussion on urbanization process in recent years and the change of identification of residents in relevant region. The discussion contains several factors such as the city’s macro-programming and relevant issues. Then, the article analogies the issue with some administration adjustment on regionalization under the same time and spaces, carries on the multi-angle analysis aims at the background, process, reason of the historical events. In the end, a coordinate of time and space is set up to illustrate the issue.Mobility brings interaction and communication. Media dimension means the illustration and demonstration on "Chaohu’s abolishment" in public media field along with residents’speech on all kinds of medium. Multiple opinions are shown in different virtual world in this article. Some other topic are also provided such as "How medium play their part in the issue?","How mobility of virtual world impacts our real world?" On the choice of samples,"Xin’an Evening Paper","Hefei Evening Paper","Jianghuai Morning Paper" are chosen as inner province medium group,"The People’s Daily","The Beijing News","Southern Weekends" form the outer province group. At last,"We media" group, local BBS and "Xinlang micro blog" are chosen.On communication dimension, through field survey and in-depth interviews, this article describes the residents’experiences through the change, and depicts their response to policy and government’s power penetration, as well as the changes in communication, identity, etc.Communication is the foundation of modern cities. Throughout the three dimensions, seeing city as a "culture community", this article reflects on the relationship between China’s administration adjustment and identification of residents, contains factors such as situation, media and communication, and gives city a new meaning. There is also a hidden line in this article, which discusses the relationship among executive power, media and society, reflecting on the change of the media role in the interaction process and the effect of the related parties’game.The issue of "Chaohu’s abolishment" is important and meaningful. In historical view, the issue is a rare sample of China’s urbanization process; in space view, the issue is a typical case on study of how city’s region changing effects the restructure of social life; in individual view, under this issue, changes of inter-person relationship, family relationship are vital problem about interpersonal communication; in social view, the issue is a perfect example of research of residents’identification.
Keywords/Search Tags:urbanization, space change, identity, Chaohu, communicative city
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