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Research On The Mould Of "Petroleum Spirit" By Mass Media Of Karamay

Posted on:2014-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiFull Text:PDF
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The thesis research object Karamay, which was the first big oilfield after the founding ofnew China, and it is also a city born with oil, established by oil, and become prosperousbecause of oil. As an oil city, the petroleum spirit is the soul of karamay’s regional culture.Established since1958, more than half a century, as the existence and continuation of social’ssuperstructure, petroleum spirit provide a steady stream of power and solid foundation for thedevelopment of economy, city municipal bases, people’s life and spiritual cultural. It is avaluable spiritual wealth of the whole city and people of karamay, it is just the shared valuesof social members in this area. While the petroleum spirit in this place matins inherit andcontinued for more than a century, in addition to the role of interpersonal communication andorganize communication, the mass media play a more important role. As a subsystem ofsocial superstructure, mass media is the producers and suppliers of social spiritual cultureproducts, and also an important force to create social spiritual wealth and promote thedevelopment of spiritual civilization, which contains a strong spiritual productivity. It is nodoubt that, mass media’ social function, which are environmental monitoring, socialcoordinate, cultural inheritance, and provide entertainment, provide a good environment andplay a stimulative role in the transmission of shared values.In order to study how the mass media put effect specifically on the heritage of a region’score spirit, this paper takes the build of petroleum spirit by karamay’s mass media as theobject, starting from the relationship between mass media and regional culture, selectedtypical character reports and timely special coverage’s contents made by karamay mass mediaas sample from two dissemination. After sample quantitative and qualitative analysis, theauthors found that in the process of the shape of petroleum spirit, karamay mass media makefull use of media effects theory, accumulated a certain scale benefit, and establish credibilityand influence in the geographical scope as well. The paper also sums up the positive effect,which was put by the mass media with the build of oil spirit on the development of the societyas a whole. It can be seen from the paper, along with time’s vicissitude, karamay mass media has become an important means for the group member to obtain cognition of core spirit ofregional culture, group emotion perception, inheritance of regional culture and integration ofsocial forces. at the same time of passing information mass media also plays an important rolein shaping and inheriting the oil spirit. Finally, the author get conclusion, through the study,that how could the karamay mass media play a better role in putting effect and expand theirown influence, make the oil sprit of karamay obtain identification in the geographical scopeand widely spread as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mass media, Petroleum spirit, Mould
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