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Text Data Forecast And Analysis Of Fujian

Posted on:2014-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330395497038Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tax revenue is accompanied by the birth of country. It is the material basisfor nation effectively execute its function. At present, China’s tax revenue shareof state revenues more than95%, Japan91%, UK96%, and98%in the UnitedStates. Tax revenues have an important role in the national fiscal revenue indifferent system country. Tax revenue is an important indicator to measure thefunctioning ability of nation finance and economic and social activities of acountry. Therefore, the revenue forecast is very important in tax planning andforecasting management. The tax plan has a guiding significance for the conductof tax work. An important work of the tax unit is drafting tax plan, what’s more,correct prediction of the future tax is the basis for the correct formulation andimplementation of the tax plan. Thus revenue forecasts have important practicalsignificance for tax program management、 tax predictability, tax taskarrangements, and handling the relationship between tax revenue and economicdevelopment. With the development of China’s market economicconstruction,the national economy is not only fully controlled by the plannedprogram and the speed of economic development, but also by the economicimpact of structural adjustment for meeting the market demand. Therefore,reasonable tax plan can no longer like the traditional system just relying on thebase and expected rate of development. Building a reasonable, scientific taxforecast system which can ensure the advanced of our work in tax as soon aspossible in current economic situation is important. Most of China’s tax revenueforecast model is the study of the whole country tax revenue. However taxrevenue is realized in a particular economic environment, the model ofeconomic development and industrial structure of the regional differences effect the tax revenue. So the establishment of an appropriate tax revenue forecastingmodel for the provinces is very meaningful. Since the reform and development,Fujian Province has huge growth of the GDP or tax revenue through using newtechnologies to transform traditional agriculture、improving development qualityof secondary industry and vigorously developing the tertiary industry. In thecurrent economic situation, studying how to establish a set of scientificprediction system of tax revenue projections for Fujian Province and analyzingthe relationship between Fujian Province tax and economic, then providing areference for Fujian Province future tax direction are of great practical andtheoretical significance. This article will use econometrics and artificialintelligence algorithms to predict and analyze the future tax income in FujianProvince and analyze the economic trends of Fujian Province. It will give advicefor the future direction of tax in Fujian Province, it is meaningful.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tax Revenue, Revenue Forecast, Artificial Intelligence, Econometric
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