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The Network System For Finance, Taxation, Treasury And Banks Design And Implementation

Posted on:2013-06-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330395467775Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the Golden Tax Project, golden finance project construction further, Finance, taxation and other departments of informatization level have been greatly improved.Department of Finance have established provincial centralized treasury payment system,Tax authorities began construction of three golden.Many province Local Taxation Bureau to achieve the provincial data integration.Among different departments to the horizontal networking has always been a weak link in the process of informatization construction,With the informatization degree rise contradiction is highlighted particularly.Tax levy from the storage has many links,The existence of a large number of manual intervention in the tax levy,The tax department duty can only provide poor services means and single declaration,The plurality of declaration lack an Electronic payment platform.Because,We must establish "The horizontally integrated networks system for finance,taxation,treasury and banks" is very necessary.Combining with the current situation of informatization construction of JiangXi Local Taxation Bureau and considering integration and concentration as guiding ideology,in the paper the author designs and develops "The horizontally integrated networks system for finance,taxation,treasury and banks",which is in accordance with ’The Interface Standard for the horizontally integrated networks system for finance,taxation,treasury and banks’established by Ministry of Finance,State Administration of Taxation and People’s Bank of China and based on JiangXi local taxation managerment system and TIPS system of People’s Bank of China.The paper first analyze the needs of the system, then confirm the software’s function, illustrate the detailed design of the function, and about how to achieve the port and the message, provide the system’s test precept. At the end part of the paper, present the working status when the system is complete, the result show that,the system is already achieved the design projective.
Keywords/Search Tags:horizontally integrated networks system for finance, taxation, treasuryand banks, tax, informatization, TIPS system
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