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A Design Of Remote Real-time Monitoring And Management System For Large-scale Mechanism

Posted on:2013-11-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330371968495Subject:Measuring and Testing Technology and Instruments
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern mechanical equipment has advanced in directions of complicated,large-scale,automatic, and accurate,corresponding mechanical equipment real-time monitorand management become more important and indispensable.But the traditional monitoringinstruments can not content the requirement of complicated, automatie, rapid andintelligent.Also,it would be inefficient if the data is collected through wire,which requirestransportation wire and consumes lots of material resources.For the above problems,thispaper designs a remote wireless monitoring and management terminal system for large-scalemechanism based on ARM9 and GPRS.This paper discusses equipment’s diagnosis and health management from the theoryperspective firstly,Focuses on the analysis about equipment management process healthassessment method.With the M2M technique as the core, the overall arrangement iscomposed of two parts that are the modularized configurable terminal and configurablemiddleware based on actual request.Using embedded Linux-ARM and GPRS wirelesscommunication module as the core, the configurable terminal is responsible for datacollection and control, through the GPRS network transmitting to the configurablemiddleware.While configurable middleware is responsible for the data terminal collection andprocessing, and it can control the equipment working process implementation.And then this paper introduces the hardware circuit design of the configurable terminal,including the two parts of the CPU kernel board and the communication module interfaceboard. Atmel’s AT91SAM9263 is selected as core processor to collect the data and control.SIM300 is selected for GPRS module to make wireless communication. In addition the circuithas also increased communication interface of the Net, CAN, WiFi and on so.The softwarepart adopts the embedded Linux operating system in this part.The Linux operating system was cut and compiled,and add the PPP agreement and WIFI drive to the kernel.On this basis,wewrite the GPRS communication application.Finally,on the designed cricuit board builded the Linux operating system,achieved thetest of basic communication function of GPRS module and CAN bus module, and then testinga complete system performance through the temperature data collection. Through the abovetests that verified the design scheme is feasible.
Keywords/Search Tags:Embedded Linux, ARM9, GPRS Remote Communication, Remote Monitor
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