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Theoretical And Empirical Study Of Human Resource Market Regulation

Posted on:2012-09-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z P HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330338451356Subject:Labor economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Human resources market is a service platform that allocate the human resource and promote its flow according to the market supply-demand systerm to achieve its most effective use. Human resources market in China originated in the reform and opening up era, develop and improve itself along with the constant development of the socialist market economy. The current human resources market is the joint products of three markets. The three markets is the talent market of the former Ministry of Personnel Ministry, the labor market of the former Labor Ministry and the student employee services of the Education Administrations. With the Great ministry reform of the government and the continue development of the socialist market economy, the market's demand for the human resources market have become increasingly high. The coexistence of various forms of traditional human resource market can not meet market requirements, so in order to give full play of the human resources market in promoting employment, stabilizing role in society, the human resource market need further regulation. In the same time make the human resources market achieves the optimal state under the dual power of the market mechanisms and government regulation.Follow the pace of government action, our paper make a study about the standard management of the human resources market. There are many shortcomings in current human resources market because of the existence of the traditional forces and the behavior inertia. The role of market allocation of human resources is not fully utilized. Combined with social reality, we make a full study of existing literature, and investigated some human resources markets of Beijing. On this basis, we summarized the existing problems of the markets. Finally, we give some policy recommendations according the discovered problems. The general cycle of the recommendations is divided into three steps. They are the top-level philosophy and purpose, mid-level management operation and the underlying information platform. In short, we expect we can contribute our efforts in the standard management of human resources markets.
Keywords/Search Tags:Human resources market, standard management, philosophy, management operation, information platform
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