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Analysis And Design Of China Telecom Bizbox Management System

Posted on:2012-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330338453015Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article from the telecom operators on customized terminal operated by the reality of the business, combined with construction of telecom operation support system experience, analysis and design of a model based on China Telecom OSS2.5 architecture specification, and object-oriented component architecture, Support for custom terminal service system operations management platform.After reorganization in 2008, three domestic telecom operators have a full service operation qualification, making competition even further. In order to further increase customer stickiness and services for telecommunications brand perception, China Telecom, fixed line operators with their own advantages, creating a commercial pilot customized terminal services product. China Telecom users to customize the terminal leasing products and services, companies can get Internet access, enterprise networking, network security, defense and many other product features. China Telecom, operation and maintenance personnel can be through the platform of remote service terminals, custom terminals, or when the problem occurs inside the corporate network, telecommunications, remote operation and maintenance personnel can help resolve, so that non-professional network of business without worries. In addition, business users through the landing operations management platform for their self-service interface to the corporate network to monitor and control, according to the actual situation on the Internet for limited internal resources rational allocation and adjustment, to a certain extent, supervision, change in staff work-based use of the Internet resources, improve employee productivity.This in-depth analysis of business operations management support customized terminal technical features of the platform and business model, combined with eTOM framework for a new generation of telecom operation support system NGOSS analyzed. Subsequently, the focus of this paper, the system analysis and design modules are introduced, and finally focus on the system described some of the unique solution. System based on advanced and mature development platform, object-oriented software architecture designed components. Development of a series of popular use of components not only improve the development progress and improve system reliability. System, including the operation and maintenance management, business management, self-service three subsystems. Customized terminal operations from receiving to the opening of the telecommunications operation and maintenance are included in the whole process, and can reduce the difficulty of site installation testing, zero-configuration open. Council through the operating system supports remote management platform deployed in the enterprise to monitor the maintenance of custom end, the enterprise itself through self-service functions on their own analysis of the use of corporate networks, set the appropriate use policies.
Keywords/Search Tags:BizBox, Operations Managemen, Self Service, OSS
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