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The Nature Reserves Communities Co-management Legal Problems Study In China

Posted on:2012-06-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ChaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2211330368979196Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the present stage,China's nature conservation work is mostly confined to enclosure protection status,which relies on administrative and legal means and unilateral emphasis ptotection.Lacking of mechanism about community interest expression,compensation ,excitation and a series of institutional framenwork security,it also deprives community villagers'effective management and rational utilization rights to local resources,which made community and their interdependent natural resources stripped and isolated,aggravates the contradictory between nature conservation and community livehood,loses cooperation chance between resource administration sections and community,and hampers community enthusiasm and initiative in participating resource management.Consequently it is necessary to establish the due position of"Community co-management"by studying the existing systenm and the practice of nature reserves communities co-management,and achieve the goal of narure reserves effective management and community livelihood development.On basis of reality of legal problems in the Nature Reserves community co-management,this study investigates the international legal provisions on community co-management and summarizes its reference to China, clears the concept of community management of nature reserves,notes the legal and social foundations of community co-management of nature reserves,put forward the logic constitute about nature reserves community co-management for law regime arrangement,which concludes a series mechanism:nature reserves environmental information informed ,co-management rules formulate participation, nature reserves management participation, supervision and judicial relief ,and tentatively come up with regime framework construction of nature reserves community co-management,which on basic principles of fairness,democracy,collaboration and broaden participation,which emphases the administrative character of nature reserve management agency and construct a series of regimes about establishment,run, security,supervison and judicial relief of community co-management, thereby establish sustainable development mechanism of economy,society and resources in Nature Reserve,promote harmony between human and environment and accomplish integrative and coordinated development of forest-edge community.
Keywords/Search Tags:natural reserves community management, legal issues, regime structure
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