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L. Information Employees System Design And Implementation

Posted on:2011-07-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208330332977455Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of Chinese economy and modern technology progress, the rapid development of computer technology, network, information revolution wave brings to the society, also the huge impact test is that enterprise management. Enterprise management mode of old already can not adapt to the modern way of information needs. Enterprise employees to the development of enterprise network management plays an important role in the modern society, more and more attention, many companies will be adopted to enterprise staff management system for their employees on digital management.With the rapid development of the computer, the computer information processing applications in enterprise management tool will bring an unprecedented changes.It can bring unexpected benefit, but also for the development of the enterprise offers unlimited potential. Using the computer on management enterprise is scientific and modern enterprises, it is bringing the obvious economic benefits and social benefits. Enterprise staff management system through the management system of the employees' view files, employee wages and information, the employee's attendance information, make enterprise management more convenient, quick, costs-saving .We can make the enterprise informatization can be conveniently more efficient management staff of information, so as to compensate the artificial management, before the management and employees can bring more efficient development.Therefore, to establish a complete, safety and stability of the enterprise staff management system is very necessary.Based on investigation, the enterprise staff management system from the management information system for many evolved from a single, the personnel administration or human resources management of the business needs of Angle design, service in a particular business automation needs. And, although at present domestic enterprise staff management software module make a function to the human resources management or related to human capital management, but the whole business integration, and system integration are still lacking. Therefore, this article to enterprise staff management system used object-oriented method, with the development AngLi information for the study of enterprise carrier. For example,the simple system requirements analysis and related technical analysis, database design, system implementation, and system test. Enterprise staff management system will realize the staff files management, Employees of archives, Salaries; Wage calculation; Monthly attendance sector; In personal attendance; Employee wages query, Attendance query, Permissions Settings: departments. Each module, using c # page SQLSerever2005 technology, database development and database design, makes each link between modules.
Keywords/Search Tags:Enterprise Staff Management System, SQLSel'vet2005, C#
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