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Study On Legal System For The Prevention And Control Of Soil Heavy Metal Pollution In China

Posted on:2015-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of farming improvement and social industry, soil pollution,especially soil heavy metal pollution has been a wake-up call to people. At present, thesoil heavy metal pollution prevention legislation problems become the focus of theenvironment legal science inquiry. A large number of foreign scholars carry out in-depthresearch, and acquire fruitful research results. The results of this study suggest that thesoil heavy metal pollution has caused a series of natural and social problems. Ourenvironment and resources law experts launch some practical investigation andtheoretical research activities on the basis of their actual. Research work in the field ofsoil heavy metals in China, however, is still in its infancy; many theory results did notsuccessfully applied in practice. This article studies the facts mainly around "how tobuild the legal system for the prevention and control of soil heavy metal pollution" andcombined with empirical analysis step by step. The author analyze the present situationof the soil heavy metal pollution prevention and control of the two countries legislation,and pointed out that our country can absorb legislation experience and lesson ofAmerica and Japan and other countries for reference in the soil heavy metal pollutionprevention.This paper will be divided into five parts:The first part is introduction. In this part, the author points out that the soil heavy metalpollution is common problem which our country and around the world are facing with. The authoralso introduces the legal system of soil heavy metal pollution research results and the mainstreamview of the legal scholars at home and abroad.The second part is overview of soil heavy metal pollution law system, and theauthor mainly includes the introduction of soil heavy metal pollution. The focus was theconcept and content of legal system of soil heavy metal pollution.In the third part, the author expounds the legislation survey of soil heavy metal pollutionprevention and control in China and the existing problems.In the fourth part,the author analysis of the United States, Japan and other countries of the soilheavy metal pollution prevention legislation present situation on the basis of the domestic legislationpresent situation and made a comparative analysis in soil heavy metal pollution preventionlegislation home and abroad on the similarities and differences. The author mainly adoptscomparative analysis method to analyze problems. In the fifth part, the author points out that our country should formulate system of soil heavymetal pollution control laws and regulations, and provides a number of soil heavy metal pollutionprevention and control on our legal system perfecting suggestion.
Keywords/Search Tags:soil pollution, heavy metals, prevention, legal system
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