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The Leading And Administration Of Net-news Communication

Posted on:2010-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A B ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It has been nearly fifteen years since the net-news communication came to China. After reviewing and teasing the development process of net-news communication in China,looking back and pondering the current situation of net-news communication, the thesis focuses on the situation of net-news leading and administration in term of content and mode,communication method,the relationship between commmnicator and audience,and the superiority in communication compared to traditional media.Moreover,the thesis points out the current disadvantage of net-news leading and administration.On the base of analysis,the thesis put forward the measures and ways to increase the ability of the leading of net -news.In the light of the shortcoming of net-news leading in China,the thesis considers that it should combine all the powers together to deal with the work;improve the leading ability of main media;grasp the cover and promulgation of net news;estabish the mechanism of the net-news comments;improve the accomplishmentof the net-news 'disseminator;intensify the moral construction of net-news communication body;strengthen the skill control on the net news communication;increase the building process of the information.
Keywords/Search Tags:net-news communication, news leading, solving measures
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