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The Impact Of Web2.0 To The Internet Communication

Posted on:2009-10-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q XueFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the era of Web2.0, the transmission speed of digital information has been greatly improved, and the mode of communication has undergone a tremendous change. The new technology, Web2.0, brought a significant impact to the information communication.This paper use Lasswell's 5W model of communication: who, says what, to whom, in which channel, with which effect, to explore the new impact of Web2.0 to the traditional Internet communication. Discussed the loss of gate keeper, the user generated content and online video content analysis, audience analysis, channel study, and the effect of Web2.0 communication.However, at the same time, the Web 2.0 also triggered copyright and moral issues. On the one hand, free downloading harmed the interests of the music and movies company. On the other hand, uploading without gatekeeper made many pornographic content on the Internet, and violated the privacy of individual. This paper studied the Edison Chen sex scandal case in Hong Kong and proposed the Internet privacy legislation as soon as possible to adapt to the rapid development of technology. Web 2.0's impact is enormous, the purpose of this paper is to emphasize its positive impact on the promotion of media integration, reducing the digital divide, and also called on the legislature to reduce its negative damage.
Keywords/Search Tags:Web 2.0, Gate Keeper, Online video, Global Village, Media Integration, Copyright
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