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Simulation Of Industry Manufactoring Process Based On Arena 10.0

Posted on:2009-06-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360242489060Subject:Detection Technology and Automation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Arena software is designed for analyzing the impact of changes involving significant and complex redesigns associated with supply chain, manufacturing, processes, logistics, distribution and warehousing, and service systems. Arena software provides the maximum flexibility and breadth of application coverage to model any desired level of detail and complexity.This article first reviews the relevant research done at home and abroad in the field of embedding simulation method into lean and Six Sigma projects and the results achieved, and then explains the project background of this paper, the main content and the method used. Chapter 4 introduces the main features of the Arena software, the role and use of the main modules in the modeling process. Chapter 5 describes the overall structure of the model, expresses the establishment methods and the internal logic of various sub-models, and analyzes its key points of logic, the main function of modules and setup of parameters, the specific functions achieved, as well as Relations and connections of the various sub-models. Chapter 6 introduces the establishment of simulation animations, setting up entity pictures and resource images to represent entities with different priorities and resources under different states, creates a number of variables and expressions to do statistical analysis, and adds the queue animation in each process. Chapter 7 summarizes the results and does the data analysis, figures out the waste of resources, bottlenecks and other issues in the production processes, successfully solves manufacturing and management problems of Assay Office, including Security Issue, Tracking Issue, Reduce Error, Changing priority parcel and Operators' efficiency check. Provides a good reference for production managers to rationally readjust the staff distribution, reduce costs and improve production efficiency. Finally, the paper summarizes the thesis work; the next step and direction of the future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:lean manufacturing, industrial simulation, six sigma
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