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The Research On Intangible Asset's Increment Of News Group

Posted on:2008-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R XieFull Text:PDF
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The development of News Group in our country is irresistible since the first News Group has been born. After more than ten years'exploration and practice, the News Group, as a special economic entity of institution but enterprise management, has accumulated a wealth of experience in operation and management which will be great benefit in summarizing the present experience,guiding the further exploration and promoting the development of our News Group.Nowadays, the resource of intangible asset is being paid more and more attention in the different kinds of resources of News Group and is becoming the main element of key competitive power. So the author tries to explore the operation and management of intangible asset of News Group from a new angle of view of intangible asset's increment and summarize the successful experience in operating the intangible asset.The whole passage is divided into five chapters. The first chapter simply expounds the background of subjects,the present situation for research,the research methods,innovation and applied value. The second chapter gives a brief account of the intangible asset of News Group from four aspects separately, including the development situation of News Group in our country , intangible asset and its increment,the formation and evaluation of intangible asset of News Group. The third chapter, the key chapter of this passage, systematically designs the increment mechanism of intangible asset of News Group and discusses the formation principles of the increment mechanism. The fourth chapter and the fifth chapter are the main parts of the passage. The fourth chapter separately discusses the power systems of the intangible asset's increment mechanism of News Group, including the human resources in News Group,the innovation capability in News Group,the brand creativity in News Group and the industrial developing environment. The fifth chapter separately discusses the operation system of intangible asset's increment mechanism of News Group and centrally discusses the capitalized operation of intangible asset of News Group, including three kinds of operation methods, which are the investment merging of intangible asset,the expansion of intangible asset and the foreign investment of intangible asset of News Group.
Keywords/Search Tags:News Group, Intangible asset, Intangible asset's increment of News Group
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