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The Public's Culture And The Public's Media See The Television Program Plan In The Area

Posted on:2007-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G MaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Final goal of the populace media "plans" is that receive the most superior effect by the lowest price. As far as the popular media main body television concerned, it need to obtain the possible high viewing ratio. Regarding the audience who is on the television dissemination entire chain link, they also have the choice of the media. Therefore the media must have take to receive the audiences as the center to plan the program. But because the media has guides and molds the mass culture the function, the populace media is chosen by the populace and eagerly anticipates the mass culture. Under the dual function is able to achieve the most superior effect, and enable the viewing ratio to stable and maintain. First, author elaborated the mass culture and the populace media. He said the development of the mass culture and the thesis relations between the mass culture and the populace media. Then makes concrete to the television media, and the author draws out that to plan the television program must consider to receive audiences' esthetic orientation and the mass culture development direction. Finally, he pointed out that the television media is not passive to be chosen. Its final vitality should be to guide the mass culture. It maintains the viewing ratio by this. At the same tine, the media authority utilization also has the limit. The author proposes the way of the heavy construction of media and the cultural.
Keywords/Search Tags:populace media, mass culture, television program plans, interaction relations, viewing ratio
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