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Communication Of The Real Estate News

Posted on:2012-11-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L C HuangFull Text:PDF
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In contemporary Chinese society, the real estate becomes national focus. Sina Leju that split out from the real estate channel of Sina on 25 March, 2008 is a platform that communicates real estate market and consumer.This thesis based on the practice experience in Sina leju, and was supported by a large number of first-hand experience in data and personal experience. At the same time, it integrated kinds of social science research methods to describe and interpretive research such as field research, literature analysis, content analysis, interviews and others, so as to achieve the following two purposes: to disseminate or qualitatively descript the state of Sina leju; to explain the state of Sina leju and summarize propagation. There are innovations in theory, and it solved practical problems on a set of feasible strategies. So this thesis explored application of existing theory, with certain academic and practical significance.This thesis studied Sina Leju as an important subject in the process of mass communication. Hoping to find out how the news of such a special subject-specific produced in the Chinese context, and what characteristics was in the process of news production, and what influence factors was in the process of network news production, and how the internal checked within the organization structure, and how it affects the relationship between network news production, policy and economic factors, competitive factors on the impact of news production.In this thesis, there are combinations of theoretical analysis and empirical specification, microscopic behavior and macroscopic background, qualitative analysis and quantitative research method, so it had each focus at all levels and realized innovation in research method. Specifically, this paper followed the technical routes to study, that is "participated and practically observed– collated practical information and summarized - read papers - defended open title and corrected research– wrote the thesis". So I hoped to successfully achieve the established goals that conduct a comprehensive probe into the study of the law and state of Sina Leju.Although this thesis could be reasonable on some key issues such as the collection of research data, the selection of methods, the determination of research issue, but any research work would be subjected to four kinds of limitation: scenically, implementation, ethical and political and cultural background. Especially the limitation of ethical and political cultural background and the balance relation between them, and they are premise of any research work. Aware of this, this paper throughout the course of the study strictly observed human ethical issues in social science research, and they are the principle of informed consent, the principle of voluntary participation, the principle of participants'sound, the principle of anonymity and confidentiality, the researcher's identity, deception principle.By writing this thesis, the goal expected has two main aspects: the improvement of individual skills and knowledge, the research of paper's own. Through the thesis'writing, not only my research, practice and learning ability will get exercise and improvement, and I will be rich in professional knowledge of the real estate market, the news media theory, media practice and so the network.For the research of this paper itself, expected objectives to be achieved are:(1) The revealing of new facts and new phenomena: It revealed the state of Sina Leju through new discoveries, new facts, and new survey data. Then I summarized the propagation of network media by statistical analysis on a lot of experience;(2) The proposing of new ideas or new interpretation of the original point of view: Seeing nature through phenomena. It supplemented some new understanding and perspective on the basis of complying with the law of the original news media;(3) The new argument to the original conclusions or practices: It drew my own conclusions by re-propagating the law of the news media, and formed new opinions. And then some important conclusions or data could be revised, and a new debating appeared to some options.
Keywords/Search Tags:network media, real estate news, news communication, Sina Leju
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