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The Research Of Manufacturing EDI System

Posted on:2006-09-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2168360155465430Subject:Mechanical design and theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, in order to improve productivity, design and produce the production that can satisfy customers' need, and translate the marketing information to manufacturing information in manufacturing companies, many systems were developed and bought. But the systems are isolated to each other, they can't share the manufacturing information and marketing information in other systems. The isolated information leads to the manufacturers can't design and produce the production that can satisfy customers' need, which reduce the sensitivity of the manufacturers to marketing. In order to make use of the information of other systems, the old method is transfer data by bills, which not only reduce the speed of information transferring, but also maybe make mistake. The measure of bridging systems bring up by using EDI technology in this article, which connect systems successfully, make the data share among systems come true. The main achievements and characteristics in this article are as follow:(1) A manufacturing logistic management system in Qingdao port was developed.(2) The dissimilar characters of date transferring between inner systems and between systems in dissimilar companies are analyzed in this article. And we solve the problem in two ways.(3) As for the data interchange of inner systems, due to the little data and requirement of readable data, we choose the way of transferring data by Excel files, which simplifies the problem. Firstly, we upload the file which is to be deal with. Secondly, the data in Excel files is read and saved to DBMS. When reading Excelfiles, we use Java Excel API that was developed by an open source project. And the method simplifies our program. In order to diversify our Excel style and be easy to program and modify, we output Excel files in a XML format which is new to us. The process is writing a style sheet firstly, and then we input data to the style sheet, lastly we get a file stream and we can download it.(4) As for the data interchange between inner systems and outside systems, an ideal of transferring data by regular industrial or international standards message is brought up. Based on the ideal, the data interchange between companies is solved. In order to make these programs can be called in many occasion, we divide these programs to three modules. In the first module, we transfer the uploaded message to a XML file. And in the third module we read the data in the file and save them in DBMS. In the second module we transfer the first XML file to the XML file. The way of dividing the programs to three modules make we can focus a single problem in each module, which simplifies the program and makes the logic clear. When we want to get message, we solve the problem by a reversing process.(5) As for transferring graphic and picture data, many kinds of data interchange are discussed and many methods are brought up.(6) In this article the security of the system and the security in date interchange are discussed.(7) The system is developed based on J2EE platform, which makes the system run everywhere and be modified easily.
Keywords/Search Tags:Manufacture, Informationization, Data Island, EDI, XML
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