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On Human Care In Middle School Moral Education

Posted on:2011-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L ZhuFull Text:PDF
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Middle school students are the future and hope of the nation. Educating and cultivating them is the foundation project of socialist construction. In the final analysis, competition in the twenty-first century is the talent competition, and moral qualities of these talents are more important than the scientific and cultural qualities to some extent. Middle schools are the forefronts of implementing moral education, where middle schools bear the systematically important tasks of moral education. This is also an important stage for students to improve their moral qualities. The reason why moral education in middle schools plays a very important role in the spirit of construction is that moral education itself involves a profound human wisdom and human spirit. The process of moral education is, in fact, to provide a rich humanistic care for students. Thus, human care in middle schools in moral education is a logical starting point of realization of moral education.The so-called human care in moral education emphasizes moral education activities ideologically and theoretically, while the role of moral education must be the basis and laws, and it enhances the educational concept and content of human care. In the case design and activities in moral education, we adhere to the student-centered principle, respect and understand students, and play the subjectivity of students. Meanwhile, we are concerned about the social development of students, focusing on the guidance of students'values, their personality development, the care for their daily life, psychological counseling and behavior guidance, thus to help students solve the theoretical and practical problems they meet with in their study and life, to promote the overall and healthy development of students, and to lay a solid foundation for success in their future social life and career. Moral education is a kind of educational activity in which we train students, shape students, develop students, and improve students. To make this truly effective and influential, human care is of great significance. First, it improves the value orientation of moral education. Second, it consolidates the human nature of moral education. Third, it improves the real effects of moral education.As far as the current situation of human care in moral education in the middle school, though some achievements have achieved there still exists serious human care missing because of the orientation bias of moral value, moral courses oriented by knowledge and the rigid moral methods. For example, the idealized goal of moral education neglects the real life of middle school students; broad moral content influences the essential function of moral education; simple moral indoctrination approach ignores the subjective consciousness of middle school students and so on. For lack of moral education in human care, considerable part of the current high school students are in the absence of ideals and beliefs, having vague values and confused behavior, loosening spiritual pillar and so on. Therefore, the implementation of moral education in the human care is not only necessary but also urgent.In the process of conducting the moral education and realizing human care in middle school, we ought to persevere in the principle of people oriented, personalized, full-scale, leading and teaching by personal examples etc. The content of human care includes showing respect for the predominant status of students, constructing the spiritual home for students, minding their proper needs and focusing on the development of students'qualities.The main approaches to realizing the human care are as follows: firstly, we ought to explore the model of education of the human care; enrich the teaching content of the moral education on the issue; strengthen the teaching methods of emotions education; persist in the direction of teaching by experiencing and push the life-oriented teaching of human care.Secondly, raise the fundamental qualities of human care among middle school teachers; enhance teachers'teaching ideas about this issue; expand the knowledge structure and improve the teaching abilities of human care.Thirdly, construct the evaluation mechanism of human care on moral education, that is, establish the evaluation idea and construct the evaluation mechanism of human care.
Keywords/Search Tags:human care, moral education in middle schools, middle school students
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