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A Research On Human-oriented Moral Educetion In Middle Schools

Posted on:2011-07-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J G SongFull Text:PDF
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At present, the rapid economic development, social and multi-level, multi-lateral changes, so that moral education has been an unprecedented challenge, which challenges secondary school moral education is at the pinnacle. The direction of the traditional secondary school moral education, content, and targets have been unable to meet the development requirements of the new era. Moral Education in the new period according to the changing times continuously update their educational content, with the scientific concept of development in the further implementation of all walks of life, human-oriented research has become the moral educators, the study of contemporary moral core. This study aimed at the human-centered scientific development concept and building a harmonious society as a guide, from basic education, the reality from the reality of secondary school students, summed up the current main problems in secondary school moral education, in-depth study of contemporary secondary school moral education necessary to be human-oriented, build a human-oriented secondary schools a new system of moral education. This mainly consists of the following three parts:Part I: Status of moral education. Main pointed out the main problems in moral education: awareness of dislocation, a mere formality, the students ignored the dominant position; divorced from reality, away from the era of self-neglect student needs; method is simple, single channel, neglecting the students personality development. From the social, educational, high school students ,family four perspectives on moral root of the problem is analyzed.Part II: people-oriented theory of moral education in secondary schools. First of all, from the philosophical, economic, political, ethical analysis, managementof of five human-oriented scientific content, followed by, described to people-oriented moral education of the real content.Part III: people-oriented idea of the specific implementation of moral education. First, from the recognition of students position, attention to the development of students, respect for the students themselves are three levels clearly people-oriented secondary school Moral Education; Second, build a people-based student management model, includes the placing of moral goals, the establishment of moral content; the establishment of moral education methods in three aspects; third is to train people-oriented teacher moral professionalism; Fourth is detailed curriculum objectives and optimize the teaching structure both promote the human-centered moral teaching methods; Fifth is to create a people-centered campus environment, that is to increase education create a good moral education into the "hard environment" and brainstorming to create a campus culture as the main moral of "soft environment" two areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Human-oriented, Moral Educetion, Middle Schools
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