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On The Entrepreneurship Development In Two Fundeamental Transformations

Posted on:2003-09-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360062986427Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is the aim that achieving the Two Fundamental Transformations of economic system and economy growth style, which was brought forward between 1995 and 1996. Currently, it will make a positive effect to the achievement of the Two Fundamental Transformations that bring out and probe into the issue of "the entrepreneurship development" ."The entrepreneur is one of the most scarce resources in human society" , they possess the entrepreneurship, and they are the enterprise manager that using the entrepreneur human capital they have to synthetically coordinating and continuously innovating on the productive and managing activities of their enterprise, achieving the efficacious combination of the maximizations of enterprise benefit and society' s entire interest, and their own interest as well. The entrepreneurship is the character that entrepreneur continuously innovate in various activities they taken for achieving their enterprise managing target, roots in the ability and the unique characteristics the entrepreneur has. We discuss the issue of "the entrepreneurship development" under the social background of speeding up the achievement of Two Fundamental Transformations; therefore, the Dengxiaoping Theory which is the guiding theory of the Two Fundamental Transformations is the theoretic basis that radically directs the entrepreneurship development. Besides which, concerning theories of entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, human capital and innovation give us theoretic support from different aspects to figure out the issue of entrepreneurship development.Currently, for the sake of speeding up the achievement of Two Fundamental Transformations, it is needed not only establishing and perfecting the market mechanism, driving the economy growth style transform into intensivism quicker through adjust the economic structure and improve the science and technology progress contribution rate to economy growth, but also supported by plenty of micro main body with strong competence. To solve all those complex problems demands the entrepreneur actively exert their innovation spirits, but China entrepreneurs still have insufficiencies in innovation on concept,institution, technology and management, that call us out to energetically developing the entrepreneurship. The fruition China got through applying the Two Fundamental Transformations in years provide conditions for the entrepreneurship development, and making the issue can be worked out.According to the analysis of the practical situation of China economy developing and the entrepreneur' s insufficiencies in innovation, the entrepreneurship development mainly requires effort in 3 areas: firstly, it needs to build a social culture atmosphere to encourage and support entrepreneurs making innovation; secondly, perfect the institution arrangement which is made for the formation of innovation spirit; thirdly, strengthen the national systematic support of technology innovation. The last part of this thesis serves related countermeasures and suggestions from the above 3 areas on the entrepreneurship development.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Two Fundamental Transformations, Entrepreneur, The Entrepreneurship
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