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Survey Study On Demands Of Emergency Patients And Their Families For Medical Service At A Certain 3rd Level All-around Hospital In XuZhou

Posted on:2005-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Research Background: With the development of the social productivity and technology, the incidence of accidental trauma and cardio-cerebrovascular emergencies become higher and higher everyday. As a result, there are growing population of emergency patients, which has become a serious social problem in both developing and developed countries. In the face of the severe threat and strong demand for emergency care, it is a huge global challenge to study how we can provide prompt and effective emergency services in order to lower death and deformity rate for every country and region.Currently according to reports in our country, there is still lack in emergency service. For example, the concept of patient- centered service has not been implemented thoroughly, and there are insufficient equipments and personnel whose structure is not in reason, and communication between physicians and nurses as well as patients has long been ignored. In accordance with foreign literatures, emergency service of some developed countries are relativelyconsummate , however lack exists in many other countries mainly because economic conditions and health budgets differs in different countries. My research is based on Maslow's theory on human requirements Compared with previous studies, it has a broader range of view and can provide better reference for improving services and management of Emergency Department. Objectives: To find out the present situation about needs of emergency patients and their families at a certain 3rd level all-round hospital in Xu Zhou.To explore a new model of emergency nursing service in 3rd level hospitals in Xu Zhou. Through the research and analysis of the outcome, try to find out the meaning of the needs under current whole nursing model, in the end to put forward solutions and strategies, to further improve service level of whole nursing. Objects: From July to October 2004, 302 informants who meet the inclusion criteria were picked randomly out of all the emergency patients and their families of the hospital. A cross-sectional research was done in order to find out their needs for medical service. Methods:All data were analysed using the statistic software spss 11.5. The statistical methods involved: One-way ANOVA ;t-test. Results:1.According to the results, there is some differences in different genders, different states of illness and different age groups ( p<0.05, p<0.01, p<0.05 respectively). SNK multiple comparison showed the age groups 30- has highest needs for service.2.There is difference in needs for medical facility and service flow, patients' information, communication with medical staff and quality of medical staff (p<0.01). SNK multiple comparison revealed highest needs are for medical staff quality.3.There is difference in different genders when the medical facility and serviceflow is concerned (p<0.05).4.There is difference in different states of illness, different age groups, different education backgrounds and different medical expenses, when information about patients are concerned. (P<0.01, p<0.01, p<0.05, p<0.01, respectively). SNK multi-comparison showed age group 30- has highest needs. And there is no difference when different education backgrounds and medical expenses are concerned.5.There is difference in different genders, different states of illness, different age groups when the need of communication with medical staff is concerned. (p<0.01,p<0.05,p<0.01). SNK multi-comparison showed 50- group has highest requirement. 6.There is no difference in any group when the quality of medical staff isconcerned. (p>0.05) Conclusions:l.The current situation of requirements of patients and their families at the hospitalsurveyed is listed below. All groups need adequate professional skills of medical staff; Critical patients and age group>30 have higher needs in information providing; the female has more needs in facility and service flow as well as in communication.2.Patient-centered service concept should be established in new model of emergency service. Primarily speaking, medical staff ought to communicate forwardly with patients. Secondly, Service attitude should be improved. Moreover infrastructure of emergency department needs to be developed ceaselessly. Last but not least emergency green access should be open toprovide efficient and convenient service.3.Strategies to satisfy patients' needs are the following: sense of responsibily of medical staff should be reinforced, and the ability to rescue and professional skills need to be improved; Activities to strengthen communication between medical staff and patients are necessary and should be held as many as possible. The emergency department should be divided into different sections and managed separately; The sequence of service flow should be made clear and easy to understand in order to save patients' time; medical personnel should be assigned reasonably and technique of emergency department should be enriched.Meaning in practice:1 .Collecting basic data for emergency service model establishment.2.Providing guidance for decision making of emergency service management inXuZhou.Some shortages of this research:1 .There is some limitation of the research time span. Further discussion and analysis are not sufficient theoretically.2.The integrity of the questionnaire is still not good enough, so that deeper analysis of the results are limited.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hospital, Emergency patients, needs for medical service, Survey study
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