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Land-use Changes And Its Driving Forces Of Town

Posted on:2012-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T Y CengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132330338497191Subject:Urban planning and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
New century has witnessed China's rapid economic development in urban and ru-ral areas, speedy social transformation, and widening gap between city and countryside. Urban and rural factors flowing and resources integration are accelerating too. Mean-while, town as the link of cities and countryside are facing a fast-changing situation in urban land use. It causes consequences and problems of small town's construction and its social system.The thesis, taking Changshou lake town of Chongqing as the research object, stud-ies land use changes and driving forces of town. It focuses on the relationship between land use changes of small town and its social-economic driving forces, namely Cause-Representation relationship. It also summarizes the rules between so-cial-economic development and land use of city and towns, anticipating providing a theoretical basis for controlling the rational growth of town, modifying policy guidance and revising small town's planning, in order to realize sustainable development in small town's society, economy and ecology.The thesis consists of the flowing chapters:Chapter One: Introduction. It explains this study's origin, significance, contents and methodology. At the same time, it differentiates related concepts and gives a litera-ture review both home and abroad, which clarifies the controversial definitions men-tioned in the thesis. Moreover, it categorizes amount of studies and defines the research object.Chapter Two: Time and Space Changes of Changshou lake Town's Land Use. This chapter is divided into four parts. Through an overview of Changshou lake town's natu-ral and social-economic development, the former parts give out a general idea of Changshou lake town; then the research goes further to the land use of Changshou lake town on its changes in size, structure and form; hereafter it points out these three changes bring about a couple of issues.Chapter Three: Causes of the Driving Forces of City and Countryside's Land Use. At the beginning, it analyzes the research methodology of driving forces of city and country's land use, as well as the driving principles. Consequently, it argues there are four levels of driving forces to small town's land use– population, economy, urbaniza-tion, and policy. The writer does detailed research in every level in this chapter. At last, based on the study of the four levels, the writer constructs a universal driving forces system for small town's land use changes.Chapter Four: Case Study of Changshou lake Town. According to the research fruits of Chapter Three, this chapter makes a qualitative and quantitative analysis of Changshou lake town's land use in the four levels, and comes to the conclusion that all the four factors affect Changshou lake town's land use. Combined with the universal driving forces system of small town's land use changes, there are eleven indexes chosen to form Changshou lake town's driving forces system, with a further discussion fixing the most important one. Developers and investment enterprises, aiming to gain maxi-mum profits with minimum costs, are the powerful driving forces. On the other hand, market demands from core cities in the research areas are the pulling forces.Chapter Five: Reflection and Counter Measures of Changshou lake Town's Land Use. The former three chapters build up a Cause-Representation relationship of Chang-shou lake town's land use changes, and deduce a set of problems after studying the time and space transition. Therefore, the writer argues that fast changes of small town's land use system, for example Changshou lake town, will generate two unevaluable issues: constructive destruction of city and countryside system, and disaster emergency of its social system. The writer suggests that it is urgent for related research institutes and governmental departments to stress and improve government's price value and town's planning. In addition, the writer states the technological strategies of Changshou lake town's land use are to guide industry's development rationally and optimize its structure, and to restrict the boundary of small town's growth and detect reserved land resources'potential in urban and rural areas, so as to promote the sustainable development of town's land resources.
Keywords/Search Tags:Town, Land use, Time and Space Changes, Driving Forces
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