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Effects of nutritional intervention in an integrated rehabilitation program using home -based delivery platforms for a COPD population

Posted on:2001-07-09Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Union InstituteCandidate:Muth, Frederick JosephFull Text:PDF
Objective. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) represents the most rapidly growing healthcare problem facing the American public today. It's the 4th most common cause of death in the U.S. and currently the second leading cause of disability. More than 60% of the individuals with COPD are malnourished. The object of this study was to determine whether home based dietary interventions could improve the nutritional profile and functional status in a modified pulmonary rehabilitation program for a COPD population.;Design. Experimental prospective longitudinal comparative study.;Subjects/setting. Potential subjects were identified by their physician. Sixty-five individuals were willing and eligible to participate. Subjects were classified into severity of illness categories. The most severe received telemedicine interventions. Forty-seven received telephony only and eighteen received home based - telemedicine nutritional interventions.;Statistical analysis performed. Student t test determined differences in base line characteristics of the two groups. Paired and paired t test determined significance between pre and post variables as well as telemedicine vs. telephone interventions. Correlation analysis determined significance in relations between dietary variables and functional status parameters.;Results. Significant differences in both functional status and dietary goals were achieved with entire test population as well as both intervention groups. Improvements included reduced dyspnea at rest and while exercising, increased exercise tolerance, increased FEV I and improved body composition. Telemedicine group showed no significant difference from the total treatment population while significant differences from telephone interventions suggest an additive benefit.;Applications. Communication technologies expand the access of nutritional expertise to remote or in home locations. Dietary manipulations offer a health benefit to the majority of individuals with COPD, which can augment nutritional interventions and pulmonary treatment regimes targeting this population. Home-based telemedicine is an efficacious delivery platform for nutritionists and may enhance the effectiveness of additional health care specialists.
Keywords/Search Tags:COPD, Population, Home, Nutritional, Telemedicine
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