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A study of the factors affecting the utilization of instructional television

Posted on:2003-10-20Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of La VerneCandidate:Ellison, Brian EdwinFull Text:PDF
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to ascertain those factors that impede or promote elementary school teacher utilization of instructional television when delivered through ITFS technology.; Methodology. The study was descriptive in nature. A questionnaire was utilized to collect data to answer three research questions. Seven respondents to the questionnaire were interviewed. Collected quantitative data were analyzed through three statistical treatments including frequency distributions, the t-test for independent samples, and a Varimax rotational factor analysis.; Findings. Based on the Varimax rotational factor analysis, four categories of factors affecting utilization of ITV were established. Factors grouped under The Utility of ITV and under Administrative Support of ITV were found to promote ITV utilization among teachers with classroom access to ITV, while two of these factors were found to impede ITV utilization among teachers with library access. Those factors grouped under Teacher Involvement in the Development and Evaluation of Instructional Television were found to impede utilization of ITV, except for the factor addressing the organizational culture of the school site. Based upon the t-test, accessibility of ITV equipment was found to be statistically significant.; Conclusions and recommendations. The findings of this study suggest actions the Merced County Office of Education (MCOE) may implement in order to increase teacher utilization of ITV. First, the MCOE should reevaluate the role Merced Educational Television plays in the prevailing organizational culture. Second, the MCOE should tailor METV programming for the majority user group, found to be in the K–3 grades. Third, it is imperative that teachers be provided access to ITV equipment. To that end, MCOE should consider alternative funding sources that would make equipment accessible to all K–3 teachers in Merced County. Fourth, the MCOE should consider the manner in which METV is presented to teachers. Fifth, change agents among those currently utilizing ITV need to be identified. This cadre of teachers should be supported by MCOE in order to ensure sustained ITV utilization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Utilization, ITV, Factors, MCOE, Instructionaltelevision, Teachers
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