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Studies On Oogenesis And Spermatheca Of Oedaleus Infernals Suassure

Posted on:2003-05-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P HeFull Text:PDF
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Oedaleus infernalis Saussure (Orthoptera: Acridoidae) is one of many pest insects in our country. In recent years, plagues of grasshoppers have broken out on many regions. In order to avoid environment pollution from insecticide. Some effective methods about control the pest expect to be produced. At present, Oogenesis and spermatheca of O. infernalis have been investigated by histology, histochemistry, lectin histochemistry and immunohistochemistry methods on the level of microstructure, ultrastructure, which may offer useful materials for Biology of Reproduction and Biology Harness. The main results describe as follows:1. Three stages can be covered by the oogenesis of O. infernalis in morphology aspect, i.e. previtellogenic stage one, vitellogenic stage two and Chorionation stage three. Vitellogenesis of O. infernalis is autosynthetic and heterosynthetic process. Mitochondrias adding the procedure of vitellogenesis, Germ-cell apoptosis occurred in the oogenesis of O. infernalis, this programmed cell death (PCD) is an adaptation strategy to its habitat.During the oogenesis of O. infernalis, the follicle cells form a monolayer epithelial cells surround the oocyte and provide a microenvironment for the oocyte growth. Not only the follicle cells secrete the vitelline membrane and the chorion, but also regulate the growth of the oocyte.2. In the procedure of oogenesis of O. infernalis, the quantity of nucleic acid changed actively. In germarium, the nucleus of the oocyte shows a Feulgen positive mark and in the vitellarium, the Feulgen positive mark begins to decrease with the oocyte growth and finaly appeared to negative. The cytoplasm of the oocyte exhibits weak UNA positive in germarium and the RNA show strong RNA positive in vitellarium. During the vitellogenesis RNA positive decreases. The follicle cells possess DNA and RNA positive during the oogenesis of O. infernalis, RNA positive increase in the cytoplasm during the vitellogenesis. This active change shows that the oocyte halts in prophase of meiosis I and becomes silent. But the transcription of RNA is active, and a phenomenon-concerned accumulation of RNA and protein may be observed during theininitial stage of the oocyte development. These RNA and the protein involved in the germ plasm and form primordial germ cells (PGCs). The active changes of the nucleic acid jn the follicle cell show that the follicle cells produce the protein to developing the oocyte, meanwhile adjust development of the oocyte.The variations of the protein, lipid and carbohydrate indicated that yolk granules is gly-lipid-protein complex. There are two kinds of proteins, including endogenous and exogenous proteins. A part of these proteins to store up for the embryogenesis, the others may take part in the germplasm component. The carbohydrate provides energy for embryogenesis.3. 4 lectins binding glycoconjugates on the oocyte of O. infernalis were detected with lectin histochemical for better understanding of distribution of glycoconjugates during the oogenesis. In previtellogenic stage, the ooplasm contains litter glycoconjugates, which is GlcNAc, Man, and Glc; the oocyte surface possesses Man, Glc and GlcNAc. The follicle cells membrane own Man and Glc. In vitellogenesis, the surface of the yolk granules hold Man, Glc and Gal, there are Man and GlcNAc in posterior pole, meanwhile GlcNAc is replaced by Gal. On the mature oocyte surface, there are Man, Gal and Glc. The change of the distribution shows that the glycoconjugate on the oocyte surface was modificated and this modification is related with the follicle cells interaction. The glycoconjugate in follicle cell is involved in the oocyte mature.4. Protooncogene c-kit and c-myc protein expression during the oogenesis of O. infernalis were firstly studied by means of immunohistochemistry in our experiment. The patterns of those two-protooncogene expressions are different. At the late vitellogenesis, the c-kit protein initiates expression on the o...
Keywords/Search Tags:Oedaleus infernalis Saussure, Oogenesis, Spermatheca, Microstructure, Ultrastructure
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