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"People's Daily" "May 1" Editorial (1952-2018) Labor Discourse Study

Posted on:2021-08-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z G YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2518306197995619Subject:Political science and political theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the founding of New China,laborers have played an important role in the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.Every year during the "May 1st" International Labor Day,the "People's Daily" will publish editorials to bless and encourage laborers to actively part icipate in the country's construction,forming a rich "workers' discourse".In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,the realizat ion of the great rejuvenat ion of the Chinese nat ion requires the joint efforts of all laborers.Studying the labor discourse of the "May 1" editorial in the People 's Daily since the founding of New China will not only help to build a social science discourse system with Chinese characteristics And it is conducive to further fully mobilize and give full play to the enthusiasm of the laborers to strive for the realization of the Chinese dream.Throughout the "May 1" editorial(1952—2018)t ext of "People's Daily" since the founding of New China,the layout position is relatively fixed,the layout range tends to be short,the chapter layout is rigorous,the theme is relatively clear,and from the title setting,discourse style,vocabulary selection,narrative Perspectives and other aspects have profoundly expressed the rich connotation of laborers' discourse: its generation logic is to serve the central work of the party and the government;its internal expression is intended to shape the image of laborers,its narrative mode is to exert an incent ive effect,and its function is to mobilize the working masses.At the same time,since the founding of New China,the labor discourse of the “May Day” editorial(1952—2018)in People 's Daily has undergone a process of continuous evolution and sublimat ion,which is concentrated on: from guiding labor ers to participate in social construction to gradually advocating the protection of laborers 'rights and interests,from focusing on Emphasis on the dedication of workers to the protection of workers 'multiple rights,from constantly stimulating workers' enthusiasm to improving their qualities,from actively advocating labor competitions to encouraging hard work,honest work,and creative work.The reason for the change is mainly due to the increasingly weakening of the colors of class struggle,the gradual rise of market economy consciousness,the emergence and development of emerging social strata,and the in-depth popularizat ion of the concept of respect for labor.
Keywords/Search Tags:People's Daily, "May 1st" editorial, labor discourse
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