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Research On The Implementation Path Of "WeChat Reading" APP Socialized Reading

Posted on:2021-08-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B Q YangFull Text:PDF
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"Books are the ladder of human progress." As the popularity of online social media and mobile Internet,reading has become a ubiquitous lifestyle,and the meaning of reading is no longer just equivalent to reading,but has evolved into a socialized behavior that includes multiple elements such as information interaction,knowledge sharing and relationship interaction.Social reading has become a new thing.Its functions of sharing,interaction,communication,and dissemination make reading ecology a "carnival of reading for all." The social reading communities represented by Flipboard,Zite,ZAKER,Fresh Fruit Hookup,and Netease Cloud Reading have been developed successively.They focuse on readers and use social relationships as a link,aggregate the content that readers are interested in through social attributes,filter and mine valuable information,achieving the accurate dissemination of personalized content,and creating the prosperity of social reading.The "WeChat reading" APP breaks the "reading is a private behavior" method,injects the concept of socialization into the reading behavior of users,and builds the reading ecology of users from the relationship chain of WeChat friends.The content provided by it is biased towards high-quality published content and serious content.The target group is more concentrated and the reading demand is higher,which makes"WeChat Reading" rise to the forefront in reading applications more than 4 years after its launch and become a "rise star".The scientific evaluation of this model is inconclusive at present,but its unique operating philosophy is worthy of academic research and has theoretical significance and practical value for further prosperity of the socialized reading market.This article starts from the research perspective of social reading,observes the manifestation of social reading from the process of media change,and points out the proper meaning of social reading.Starting with the representative "WeChat reading"APP,analyze its content,channels,and users in order to reflect on the social reading of users,and by systematic research methods such as participatory observation method,in-depth investigation method and content analysis method,the characteristics of social reading behavior of users of the platform are more intuitively displayed.It also deconstructs and reorganizes the implementation path of social reading of the"WeChat reading" platform.It is believed that users' imagination of reading text should be actively mobilized from three aspects of information recommendation,reading mode and content,and socialized reading traces.Users should be encouraged to share,interact,and transform behaviors in the practice of individual reading and collective reading.Reconstructing the reading culture structure in the network connection."WeChat reading" social reading will make great strides in the direction of realizing reading scenes,deepening reading content,facilitating reading channels,and diversified reading functions!...
Keywords/Search Tags:Mobile Reading, "WeChat Reading", Social Reading
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