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Application Of Microcourses In Biology Teaching In High School

Posted on:2022-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306521962829Subject:Master of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a new teaching resource,micro-class has attracted the attention of teachers and students under the current development background of education and informatization.And at present,micro-class teaching has also become a very effective auxiliary teaching method in classroom teaching.Compared with the traditional classroom teaching mode,the micro-class teaching mode can not only realize flexible teaching,but also be short and targeted,which can fully meet students ' personalized learning demands.The development of online auxiliary teaching through micro-courses can encourage teachers to better realize the application of information technology,improve the efficiency of classroom teaching,and promote teachers to have a better performance in professional development.Based on the introduction of micro courses to help carry out high school biology teaching,for students can realize difficult experimental observation,ensure the realization of their personalized learning demands,and also ensure that high school students have better biological science literacy.For teachers,they can achieve better micro and biology teaching,and encourage teachers to achieve the improvement of teaching means,but also to better achieve the goal of professional development.With the introduction of the new curriculum reform,it clearly pointed out that students should always be regarded as the teaching subject in teaching,emphasizing that teachers mainly play a leading teaching role in the teaching process,to ensure that teachers ' curriculum consciousness is awakened.Based on this,teachers in high school biology classroom teaching students can realize the curriculum planning and design closely compatible with the specific life based on the excellent application of curriculum resources,so as to ensure the realization of students ' all-round development demands.In the current high school discipline teaching,the biology discipline has an important position in it.When teachers use micro courses to carry out high school biology classroom teaching,they should pay attention to the value of micro courses,to ensure that micro courses can provide practical support and help for promoting high school biology teaching,based on this to cultivate students 'excellent biology comprehensive ability,improve students' learning effect,and ensure that students can achieve comprehensive development goals.In the research,the paper mainly analyzes the status and application of micro-course teaching mode in high school biology teaching.In this paper,the author selected 5 classes of a high school in Changchun County for the research objects of biological micro class,analyzed the attention of teachers on the development and application of micro class and students in the whole practice research,studied the experimental class and control class,and conducted questionnaire survey and test,statistical analysis.Based on interviews and questionnaire survey,it is pointed out that the teachers and students of a high school in Changchun have different cognition of the teaching of biology micro-class.Most of the teachers and students pointed out that as a new curriculum teaching resource,micro class is difficult in the design and micro course production,but it has an excellent role in improving classroom teaching.In addition,in the process of interviews,some scholars believe that in biology classroom teaching,micro classroom teaching mode is more interesting,improve students ' independent learning ability,conducive to the professional development of high school biology teachers,but also can meet their own learning needs of biological knowledge.The study showed that the interviewed high school teachers and students had a high recognition of the teaching mode of biology micro-courses in high school.Based on the research results,the author conducted a comprehensive study on the teaching situation of high school biology micro-courses,pointed out the problems in the process,and gave improvement measures.
Keywords/Search Tags:High School Biology, Microcourse, Informatization
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