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Study On Reading Teaching Of Su Shi Works In Junior Middle School

Posted on:2022-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ShanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306335473804Subject:Master of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Su Shi's works,as the representative of excellent traditional culture,have always been the most difficult points in Chinese textbooks.By studying Su Shi's works,students can feel the classical beauty and image beauty of Chinese ancient poetry,stimulate students' love of Chinese ancient poetry,and let students take the initiative to inherit classical culture.So,how can we teach Su Shi's works so that students can stimulate their love of ancient poetry and achieve our teaching goals on the basis of understanding the text? Group reading provides us with a good teaching method.In recent years,group reading gradually into our vision,into the classroom.The classroom effect brought by group reading teaching is gradually recognized by teachers.As a multi-text reading method,group reading is a supplement to the single reading teaching method and a new reading teaching mode.It is a process of students' collective construction in multi-text learning.Through the study of group reading,students can improve their poetry appreciation ability and understand the text more deeply.Let the students' reading ability achieve a single reading can not achieve an effect.Based on this purpose,this paper studies the reading teaching of Su Shi's works in junior high school.In general,this study is divided into the following aspects:The first part is a general overview of group reading.As a multi-text reading teaching method,group reading revolves around a "topic" and forms group reading according to the combination of topics.In group reading class,students read different texts by reading multiple texts to find out the similarities and differences between texts.Therefore,in group reading class,students mainly focus on independent inquiry,according to the guidance of teachers and group discussions,they find problems,put forward problems,and solve problems.Group reading is a process in which students' thinking is liberated and divergent.It allows students to accept knowledge passively to acquire knowledge actively,and embodies the student-oriented teaching idea.When we apply Su Shi's works to group reading and liberate students' thoughts by means of group reading,we can make students learn ancient poetry from learning ancient poetry to understanding ancient poetry,and improve students' ability to appreciate ancient poetry.This can stimulate students' interest in learning,reading,let them like ancient poetry,inherit Chinese excellent traditional culture.The second part of the study is to comb Su Shi's works to establish the topic.The topic occupies the primary position in group reading and is the backbone of group reading.In the face of Su Shi's works,what issues can we establish? In this part of the study,the author establishes the topic through the different genres of Su Shi's works,the different images,the different places of creation and so on.Su Shi is good at writing words,but also likes to write poetry and literature.In Su Shi's works,he involves a wide range of genres.Therefore,according to the different genres,we can take poetry as the topic,ci as the topic,and Wen as the topic.Let students understand different genres according to Su Shi's works.Look at Su Shi this life,life experience bumpy.Because of officialdom,in the capital for officials,but also because of official frustration and was demoted in many places,such as Mizhou,Xuzhou,Huangzhou,Huizhou.It is because of the ups and downs of life,but honed out Su Shi's optimistic and open-minded personality.Therefore,we can also establish the topic according to Su Shi's image,let students learn Su Shi's personality charm,learn Su Shi's outlook on life,and feel Su Shi's erudition.At the same time,we can also understand Su Shi's life experience according to the place of Su Shi's poems.In this paper,"Runzhou,Mizhou,Xuzhou " and " Huangzhou " were established.There are a lot of images in Su Shi's works.Su Shi especially likes to write "Moon" and "Flower ".Therefore,we can also establish the topic according to the image.In the aspect of image,the topic is set as "month" and "flower ",which leads students to understand the beauty of image in ancient poetry according to Su Shi's works.The third part mainly studies the teaching design points and implementation strategies of Su Shi's works in junior high school Chinese.In the teaching design of group reading,we should first pay attention to the choice of text.Group reading Chinese text selection is not many,easy for students to accept,in line with the students' cognitive level.In the quality of text selection should be more cautious,choose Su Shi representative works.High quality poetry can bring students more beautiful experience,stimulate students' love of Su Shi's works,and root the charm of poetry in students' hearts.Secondly,in the teaching design,we should consider how to arouse the students' interest in active exploration and return the main body of the classroom to the students.We can arouse students' discussion by providing students with supplementary information,ingenious design of problems and grasping the images in poetry.The fourth part is based on the first three parts of the study,for Su Shi's works,design a section of Su Shi's works group reading teaching.This group reading class takes "Wutai poem case" as the topic to feel Su Shi's wind and rain life,through Su Shi's works to understand the influence of Wutai poem case to Su Shi.In this lesson,I choose "Bu operator Huangzhou Dinghui Yuan residence ","Nian Nu Jiao Chibi nostalgia "," Ding Fengbo Mo listen to Lin beat Ye Sheng ","Linjiang Xian night return to Lingao" these four works.Students through comparative reading,to feel Su Shi's mood changes.In these four words,I feel Su Shi's attitude towards life and Su Shi's open-mindedness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Su Shi's Works, Junior Middle School Language, Group Reading
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