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Intervention And Fusion—A Study Of The Language Of Contemporary Hand-dyeing Materials

Posted on:2022-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Manual printing and dyeing is a kind of arts and crafts with a long history.Because of its special production technology,formed a unique artistic style.By means of intervention and integration,this paper attempts to explore the possibility of the integration of manual printing and dyeing with other materials in the present,so as to enrich the expression of manual printing and dyeing creation.Just as the development of handmade printing and dyeing is facing many problems in the context of cultural diversity,and there are great limitations on the use of materials,handmade printing and dyeing artists are paying more and more attention to the expansion and application of materials.Therefore,this paper takes the involvement of multiple materials in manual printing and dyeing as the research object,and finally leads to the discussion of formal language after material fusion,which has the value of practical and theoretical research.This paper mainly discusses from four aspects: 1.From the analysis of the relationship between intervention and integration,summarize the necessity of various materials involved in manual printing and dyeing design,respectively from the traditional inheritance,scientific and technological development,artistic concept of three perspectives;Second,the analysis of the characteristics of various materials in manual printing and dyeing,mainly from the traditional materials,expanded traditional materials,the application of new materials three aspects are discussed;3.The practice of material intervention and fusion in manual printing and dyeing is analyzed respectively around the practice of three materials intervention and the presentation of formal language after fusion.IV.Through the aesthetic expression of the intervention and integration of materials,we have a profound understanding of the deep meaning and aesthetic value of materials.Through the integration of manual printing and dyeing with multiple materials,it provides a broad new idea for us to study how to better inherit and develop the traditional art of manual printing and dyeing.Help us to break the problem of the traditional manual printing and dyeing material uniformity.On the basis of inheriting the excellent traditional culture of our nation,it has solved the problems encountered in the current artistic creation,so that the handmade printing and dyeing art has a new development direction and application space in the contemporary era.
Keywords/Search Tags:Material, Intervention, Manual printing and dyeing, Fusion, Material language
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