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Application Of Narrative Illustration In Wumichangxiang Brand Packaging

Posted on:2022-11-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Q YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2481306749457614Subject:Fine Arts, Calligraphy, Sculpture and Photography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the proposal of China's Rural Revitalization strategic plan,agricultural products enterprises are booming,and the similar competition of their products has become increasingly fierce.More and more agricultural production enterprises realize that product packaging design is one of the important means of brand product marketing strategy system on the basis of appreciation function,protection function and practical function.In recent years,narrative illustration has been applied to packaging design by more and more food enterprises combined with their own brand marketing strategy,and has achieved good response.Heilongjiang is a major agricultural province in China,but there are many problems in the packaging visual design in the market,such as insufficient communication of product advantages,weak overall visual recognition of products,insufficient communication ability of brand emotion and concept and so on.Taking product packaging design as the carrier,how to accurately convey product information,shape brand image and increase consumers' trust in the brand is a common problem in agricultural packaging design.Taking the design application of narrative illustration in WUMICHANGXIANG brand packaging as an example,this paper explores the theoretical strategy and design practice from the following aspects.Firstly,it combs the domestic and foreign narrative illustrations that have achieved positive results in product packaging design,and collates and analyzes the excellent theoretical data and practical application cases.And summarize the influencing factors that can play a positive role in this subject at the theoretical level;Secondly,bring the theory into the application of WUMICHANGXIANG brand packaging design,and analyze the needs of target consumer groups at all levels.Then sort out and summarize the cultural connotation and product advantages of WUMICHANGXIANG brand,so as to set the narrative content and theme emotional tone of packaging design;Thirdly,based on the previous data investigation and analysis,using the visual elements in narrative illustration,this paper makes a visual and comprehensive narrative expression of WUMICHANGXIANG brand series products from the perspective of consumer demand.Promote consumers' emotional recognition of brands and products.Build the brand image and increase consumers' trust in the brand,so as to increase the added value of products and promote the continuous growth of product sales.
Keywords/Search Tags:Packaging Design, Narrative illustration, WUMICHANGXIANG
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