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The effects of a greenhouse laboratory experience on the knowledge and attitudes of secondary horticulture students

Posted on:1994-08-29Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Missouri - ColumbiaCandidate:Rothenberger, Barbara HeinsFull Text:PDF
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of instruction in horticulture programs that did or did not provide a greenhouse laboratory experience. Data from 168 students in 13 vocational horticulture programs were included in this study. To test the major hypothesis a posttest only, control group quasi-experimental design was selected. The stratified sample was identified using a random number selection procedure. The sample was drawn with replacements on a cluster basis.;Procedures. This study involved teaching a 15 lesson unit on poinsettia production to two groups of high school horticulture students. One group received instruction that included a greenhouse laboratory experience and the other group did not have a greenhouse laboratory experience. Data were collected using a knowledge posttest, an attitude toward subject matter test, and questionnaires to collect selected information about students and teachers.;An analysis of variance procedure was used to test for differences between the groups for knowledge and attitude toward subject matter scores. A Pearson correlation procedure was used to estimate the relationship of post-experiment knowledge scores with selected student and teacher characteristics.;Findings. (a) There was a significant difference between the post-experiment knowledge test mean scores for the two treatment groups, (b) There was not a significant difference between the post-experiment attitude mean scores for the two treatment groups, (c) No significant relationship was found among students' post-experiment knowledge test mean score and selected teacher characteristics. However, significant relationships were found between post-experiment knowledge scores and students' horticultural SAE and exposure to a greenhouse laboratory experience.;Conclusions. (a) There is an advantage in student knowledge acquisition for students receiving instruction with access to a greenhouse laboratory experience, (b) Students' attitudes toward poinsettia production are not affected by whether or not students have a greenhouse laboratory experience, (c) Students who have a horticultural SAE project tend to have higher knowledge test scores.
Keywords/Search Tags:Greenhouse laboratory experience, Students, Horticulture, Knowledge test, Scores, Post-experiment knowledge, Attitude
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