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Housing renewal in Beijing: Observation and analysis

Posted on:1997-07-18Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Lian, ZhengFull Text:PDF
Rehabilitation and reconstruction of dilapidated houses in the Old City is now the central issue of urban development of Beijing. On the one hand, it relates to the life of 800,000 people who live in old and dilapidated houses in the old residential quarters; on the other hand, it directly deals with the issue of preservation of the image of the old city. Starting with three pilot projects in 1988, 37 Stage One projects have been completed and some projects of further Stages are in the process of being built within the urban renewal program. However, the result is not so satisfactory in fulfilling its ends.;This study is conducted in two main stages: first it attempts to demonstrate the rather complex circumstances which the urban renewal program is encountering. The redevelopment process is examined from the perspectives of political intention, economic limitation, professional dedication as well as concerns of the powers-that-be at different levels. Second, through the in-depth study on the process, preservation of the old city and re-accommodation of the original residents are raised to be the two key issues to evaluate the performance of the program. Detailed discussions are thus held around these two topics.;Efforts have also been made to find where the problems lie in order to direct the change of the political intention and consequently result in the adjustment of the policies and practice. Only then is it possible for the redevelopment program not to deviate from its main goals, which are to improve the living conditions of people and to preserve the image of the ancient capital.
Keywords/Search Tags:Old city, Renewal
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