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Confidential information and departing employees: Gauging the interface between law and management practice in the engineering services industry in Calgary, Alberta

Posted on:2005-05-21Degree:M.B.AType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Burns, Stephen DFull Text:PDF
GTID:2458390008981440Subject:Business Administration
This thesis explores a relatively untouched subject matter and focuses upon an issue of growing importance to the business community: namely, the need to understand, protect, and commercialize confidential information. The thesis is comprised of two parts, the first develops a summary of the law to answer the question "what confidential information may the employee take with him and what may he legitimately be asked to leave behind to his employers", and the second explores the interface between the law and management practice in respect of confidential information and departing employees in the engineering services industry in Calgary, Alberta. While this thesis is exploratory in nature, we hope that it will provide a starting point for future researchers interested in the interface between the law and management practices with respect to the management of confidential information in the context of departing employees.
Keywords/Search Tags:Confidential information, Departing employees, Law and management, Interface
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