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Metodologia de control independiente de instrumentos y experimentos para su despliegue en laboratorios remotos

Posted on:2013-01-20Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Universidad de Deusto (Spain)Candidate:Jayo, Unai HernandezFull Text:PDF
GTID:2458390008486798Subject:Information Technology
Current remote laboratories, especially those devoted to Analog Electronics, present high quality features, are easy to use and reliable. However, this satisfactory performance level has been attained by means of developments that use proprietary solutions that hinder the deployment of remote laboratories in other institutions and countries, and thereby degrade their main characteristic; namely resource sharing and sustainability. While maintaining the quality standards of existing implementations, the solution presented herein, adopts a standardization perspective that facilitates the deployment of remote labs outside the context they were built in scope in which it was created.;The current research work developed within this context, and specifically related to the teaching of Analog Electronics, proposes a control method that facilitates the deployment and maintenance of remote laboratories by making their instruments and experiments independent from the software applications that control them.;This new methodology is the result of the analysis of previous solutions tested and validated in distinguished remote laboratories. The study led to a set of innovative developments combining and integrating different technologies and applications and specifically implemented as part of this doctoral thesis, giving as an end result a unique method never deployed before in the field of remote experimentation.;The improvements provided by the proposed method have been corroborated by validation of a prototype developed for, and tested on, real operating scenarios with real users.;The results of our research are an important contribution to the design and deployment of remote labs for Analog Electronics allowing users to build and characterize electronic circuits with the same performance as if the tasks of connection and measurement were carried out in a traditional hands-on lab.
Keywords/Search Tags:Remote laboratories, Analog electronics
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