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Human Behavior centered Museum Guided Tour System

Posted on:2014-05-25Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:Rochester Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Chen, YenminFull Text:PDF
As new technologies appear, many devices or tools become more and more powerful. New technology also gives us more options to choose from in our daily lives, not only in ways used for school, but also with the devices used to surf the Internet. Certainly, we have more variety available in the various aspects of our lives, such as entertainment, education, work etc.---but new technology brings with it more problems, too. If new technology doesn't come with new thinking, life may not be better than before.;Some designers focus on human factors too much; they forget to consider how people connect in this world. Hence, a lot of products on the market are convenient to use, but not effective, or they are easy to learn, but not easy to use to complete the work.;This project redesigns an electronic museum guide device through human-behavior design theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:New technology
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