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Utilisation des technologies informationnelles dans l'analyse du transport adapte

Posted on:2005-10-12Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Sarmiento, RolandoFull Text:PDF
The public transport of the handicapped people constitutes, under a technical analytical prospect, an extremely interesting methodological challenge.; Our concern is to propose a new analytical approach for the Paratransit, while being based on a criticizes methodological evaluation speech, having for only objective, using an integrated of operational and geographical information systems, to visualize and clarify various stakes.; Thus, the place of the S.I.G. becomes dominating to illustrate the spatial distribution of the customers as well as various sorts of sites for destination, the productivity of the vehicles, the effective temporal distribution of the service, the simultaneous distribution of the resources and rendered service. Moreover, it will be made state of a categorical analysis of the various customers authorizing the hope to work out in the near future a model to estimate the demand based on the socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics associated to the customers. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Transport
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