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Public architecture: Regenerating urban life

Posted on:2006-05-04Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Abercrombie, CraigFull Text:PDF
How can architecture regenerate the urban environment and perform a critical role in stimulating public life?; This thesis analyzes the relationship between architecture and urban space in Halifax, Nova Scotia and proposes a strategy to stimulate public response and subsequent participation in the built environment through the design of architecture. The study recognizes the historic relevance of the urban core and unites the significant architectural fabric through the communication of an identifiable and compatible visual landscape. The design reinforces the history of the city through a narrative of architectural palimpsest, awakening the potential of architecture to engage public life.; While the urban proposal ultimately consists of the entire George Street Axis, the architectural intervention is illustrated through the regeneration of the Dennis Building, an existing government-operated facility, located on the corner of Granville and George Streets in downtown Halifax. The adaptation modifies and expands the existing building into the School of Journalism, and also accommodates office space for The Coast, a locally operated newspaper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Architecture, Urban, Public
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