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Research On The Teaching Of Junior Middle School Chinese Micro-writing

Posted on:2020-08-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D LiuFull Text:PDF
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For writing is an important activity to know oneself,know others and express and communicate.The writing teaching in school is responsible for transmitting the basic writing knowledge and skills and improving students' comprehensive writing literacy.However,writing teaching has long been a weak link in Chinese teaching.On the one hand,students' writing level is affected by a variety of factors,and the improvement of writing ability is relatively slow compared with the reading link.However,under the "exam-oriented education",score is an important standard to measure the quality of students' learning,leading to students' low expectations for writing teaching.The language teacher,on the other hand,through long-term teaching practice,found that after a period of training the students' writing level and writing may almost no difference,even before training leads to many teachers and researchers often think students ability of the composition is not taught by teachers,teachers can be absent in the writing class,in the long term the teacher lose confidence in writing teaching,abandoned writing teaching force.In recent years,through the unremitting efforts of many Chinese experts and front-line Chinese teachers,China's writing teaching has made certain achievements,but writing teaching is still not satisfactory is still the "old difficulties" in Chinese teaching.In recent years,based on the current situation of writing teaching,there has emerged the miniaturized writing course construction which starts from the micro-perspective,focuses on students' learning situation,and emphasizes targeted solutions to specific writing difficulties,which has attracted the attention of Chinese educators and researchers.Although in the field of Chinese writing teaching,micro-writing teaching is still a new thing,but there is no doubt that it can promote the qualitative change of the current situation of writing teaching.After for miniature and micro writing writing teaching of literature and other related information and induction,the author found that scholars research on micro writing mostly stay in the level of curriculum theory,and the lack of applied theory in the thesis teaching practice exploration and research,this study on the implementation level of the junior middle school Chinese miniature writing teaching research,accumulated a certain amount of practical experience,hope to enrich the junior middle school Chinese miniature writing teaching related research results,junior high school language writing teaching reform to provide thrust,thesis mainly from the following three parts were studied.The first part: defines the basic concepts of micro-writing and micro-writing teaching,Explain in detail the characteristics of micro-writing teaching and the theoretical basis for implementing micro-writing teaching.implementation.Clear micro writing teaching based on students' writing,in the huge writing course content extracted for meeting the needs of students knowledge,set up a targeted and clear teaching goal and contents of the tiny,by setting the situation in the process of students' writing and refining in the form of support and guidance,and emphasis on student writing text repeated correction.Efficiently help students complete writing tasks and improve their writing literacy.The second part: through the interview of teachers and the questionnaire survey of students,the current situation of "teaching" and "learning" of teachers and students in junior middle school writing teaching activities is investigated,and the existing problems are summarized and attributed to provide a realistic basis for the practical strategy of junior middle school Chinese micro-writing teaching.The third part: combining the micro-writing course theory and the current situation of Chinese writing teaching in junior high school,the author puts forward the practical strategies of micro-writing teaching,including the "micro-perspective" of learning situation analysis and the method of setting teaching objectives by micro-chemistry situation.Multi-dimensional combination of teaching content selection;A variety of methods combined to strengthen the writing process guidance.Part four: deepen the understanding and thinking of the implementation of micro-writing teaching in junior high school Chinese writing teaching through the analysis of practical lessons of micro-writing teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:junior high school Chinese, Writing teaching, Microwriting teaching
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