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Research On The Teaching Strategy Of Chinese Micro-writing In Middle School

Posted on:2020-04-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R QuFull Text:PDF
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composition teaching has always been a big problem,many students are afraid to write a composition,the teacher are afraid of correcting compositions too.Therefore,how to improve students'interest in writing,so that students can write can not only meet the requirements of the test,but also have a real feeling of the article,how to guide students to improve their writing level,these problems have long troubled many teachers.Along with the development of the Internet age,short,said Jane meaning of writing with the new way of communication such as weibo arises at the historic moment,this way of writing gradually entered the public eye,and the high examination and a 300-word composition change of micro writing in the rise of the Chinese education is to let a line of Chinese workers and researchers began to value and study the application of micro writing in the language classroom composition teaching.Tiny writing is different from the traditional big composition in the language classroom training,it has a short and flexible,pay attention to communication,conform to the new standard and the requirement of Chinese core literacy for students and teachers teaching,to eliminate the students fear of writing psychology,improve the students'interest in writing,to help students study,improving student learning subjectivity,strengthen students with life,social contact and so on all have unique advantages and important role,is a new writing teaching is full of humanistic care.But as the writing time is not long,its reasonable application to classroom lessons of experience is not enough,and at present for micro writing research is still in the primary stage of exploration,therefore,the author in writing as the research object,based on the carding of predecessors'research,from the current application of micro writing practice in writing teaching,we sought to micro writing teaching strategy for this paper.This thesis consists of four chapters.The first chapter is the introduction,which will briefly introduce the reason of topic selection and research significance,literature review,research methods and innovation points of this paper.The second chapter defines the connotation,value and significance of micro-writing and micro-writing teaching,as well as the theoretical and practical basis for its implementation.The third chapter from the literature research and practical observation of the existing micro-writing teaching research results and shortcomings.Mentioned before the fourth chapter mainly aimed at the problems existing in the teaching of writing,micro writing teaching principles and strategies for carding and complementary,and combining the relevant case analysis,the strategies,the author mainly from micro writing proposition,evaluation and should handle good relations between the two of the three aspects,in detail elaborated the micro writing in class teaching based on teaching material refining micro writing training point and the foothold student life practice to open training paths of the two methods of micro writing proposition,illustrates some representative and innovative form of proposition,This paper expounds three evaluation paths,which are mainly student evaluation,changing the content and way of teacher evaluation,and letting the society participate in evaluation,and explains how to connect micro writing with big composition and deal with the relationship between micro writing and classroom.Micro-writing teaching and research is still in the primary stage of development,which needs the unremitting exploration of many experts,scholars and educators.The author hopes that this paper can provide some valuable and meaningful content for the further research and development of micro-writing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Microwriting Teaching, Writing Teaching Strategy, Chinese
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