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The Comparison Between Sejong Academy And Confucius Institute And Its Enlightenment

Posted on:2019-08-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X K i m Y e o u n g S Full Text:PDF
GTID:2435330548951142Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The 21 st century is an era of soft power competition between countries.Promoting cultural influence in the country can both enhance international status and increase international prestige and competitiveness.All countries in the world are constantly strengthening their own soft power construction in order to enhance their foreign influence.The Sejong School and the Confucius Institute,as language promotion agencies in Korea and China,have not only contributed indispensable forces for language teaching and communication.It has become a window and bridge for world communication,representing the symbol of traditional culture and the accumulation of centuries-old inheritance.In order to enhance cultural soft power and actively promote the languages and cultures of various countries,the establishment of language promotion agencies throughout the world has become the main practice for countries to promote their own languages.In this paper,the Confucius Institute in China and the Sejong School in South Korea were set up at the same time.Through the detailed comparison and research of the Sejong School and the Confucius Institute in the aspects of the operating mechanism,management model,language teaching,and cultural exchange,the advantages and disadvantages of the two were combined.Put forward countermeasures and suggestions in order to provide references for the promotion of language and culture in the two countries,and put forward the prospects for future development.The article is divided into the following six sections:The introduction part includes the research background,research purpose,research significance,research methods and the importance of language promotion.The first chapter is the analysis and discussion of the predecessors.The author mainly introduces the contents of the Confucius Institute and the characteristics of the Sejong School.Both of them will be compared.Some of the existing articles have been briefly reviewed,and based on the existing research results,the existing ones arediscovered and explained.Inadequacies,proposed several problems that this study wants to solve.The second chapter briefly describes the origins of the Sejong School including the origins of the Sejong School,the background established in China,and the world operations of the Sejong School.It details the significance of the “Korean Wave” in the distribution of China's operations and the spread of culture.The third chapter briefly describes the contents of the Confucius Institute.This includes the introduction of relevant contents of the Confucius Institute,the background established in Korea,the world operations of the Confucius Institute,and the detailed description of the distribution and main functions of the Confucius Institute in Korea.The fourth chapter makes a detailed comparison of the value of the establishment of the mechanism,management model,language teaching,cultural exchange,and cultural communication between Sejong School and Confucius Institute.The fifth chapter explores the common problems and solutions by studying the similarities and differences between the two institutions,and proposes individual perspectives.The conclusion part summarizes the full text and elaborates the innovation of this article and the research inadequacies.
Keywords/Search Tags:China's Confucius Colleges, Sejonghakdang, Sejong Academy, Com-parison, Implication
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