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Fine Modeling Of Underground 3D Pipelines Based On BIM System

Posted on:2019-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2432330566483591Subject:Cartography and Geographic Information System
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The BIM(Building Information Model/Modeling)technology has brought a bout revolutionary changes to the building information engineering in recent ye ars,and BIM has not realy integrated into the construction industry.The const ruction industry is moving toward low energy consumption and low energy con sumption.The development of pollution and sustainable development.With the rapid development of informatization at home and abroad,the application of BI M in manufacturing has become the main development trend of China's constr uction industry at this stage.The advantage of the BIM system lies in its strong intuitive visibility.The objective objects can be displayed from different perspectives.The three-dimen sional model gives the user a strong three-dimensional and realistic feeling.So people pay more and more attention to the research of 3D visualization,and 3D visualization will become the focus and direction of future development.Fro m 2D to 3D,the amount of data and the amount of information are greatly in creased,and the spatial topology and data structure of objects also change,req uiring higher levels of computer hardware and support of software and related theories,making it difficult to achieve.This paper focuses on the research of information architecture model techn ology.Based on the three-dimensional engineering technology,combined with t he actual project case and the BIM theory,the data of the underground rainwa ter pipeline in the Nanjian Yi Autonomous County of Yunnan province is take n as the analysis background.The method and theory of 3D modeling of pipel ine,the establishment method of spatial database and attribute database are dis cussed in depth.The specific research content is 5 aspects:1.First,attribute data and spatial data of various types of pipelines are sto red in Excel database.The construction is carried out in accordance with the l ocal construction standard of Yunnan pipeline.2.We compare the different modeling softwares,such as 3DMAX,Skyline.3.Through the C# language to BIM software Revit module embedded dev elopment,embedded in Revit a pipeline module is built to read data in the dat abase by creating a pipeline module.4.Because different pipeline points need to be implemented by different fa mily libraries,it is necessary to establish differences in Revit.Family types,su ch as wels,water intake,fire hydrants and so on.5.According to the actual project needs,combined with the Revit API pro vided by Autodesk Revit 2016 to achieve each.Function modules,such as pip eline measurement,field roaming,pipeline analysis and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:BIM, 3D modeling, Engineering life cycle control, visualizat ion
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