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Research On The Aesthetic Culture Of Food In The Han Dynasty

Posted on:2020-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F SangFull Text:PDF
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The unprecedented unity of society in Han Dynasty greatly affected people's dietary life in Han Dynasty,and the improvement of material life also led people to pursue a higher spiritual life in this period.The Han Dynasty was an important period in the development of Chinese aesthetic thought,which played a connecting role between the preceding and the following,and produced many aesthetic theories which had a profound impact on later generations.The study of aesthetic thoughts can not be separated from specific aesthetic objects,and the development of Chinese classical aesthetics and aesthetic consciousness can not be separated from dietary life.Therefore,the dietary aesthetic culture of the Han Dynasty,which contains people's ideas and spiritual beliefs,plays an important role in the study of aesthetic thoughts of the Han Dynasty.However,there seems to be no special study on the aesthetic culture of diet in the Han Dynasty.This paper tries to make a systematic study of the aesthetic culture of food in the Han Dynasty from the aesthetic point of view,to analyze the aesthetic taste of food and the aesthetic concept of food in the Han Dynasty,and to clarify the historical status,important influence and multiple Enlightenments of the aesthetic culture of food in the Han Dynasty on the basis of fully grasping the material materials of the literature and investigating the background of the formation of the aesthetic culture of food in the Han Dynasty and theAround this theme,this paper is divided into four parts.In the first part,through the analysis and Research on the background of the formation of the aesthetic unity,economy,ideology and culture of the Han Dynasty's diet,the overall situation of the diet life of the Han Dynasty is summarized,which is the premise and foundation of the study of the aesthetic culture of the Han Dynasty's diet.It is precisely because of the rapid economic and social development of the Han Dynasty that people began to have higher spiritual and aesthetic requirements for dietary life after solving the basic problem of food and clothing.At the same time,it discussed the dietary subject,dietary utensils and dietary customs from three perspectives in an attempt to have a comprehensive understanding of the dietary life of the Han Dynasty,which is the basis for the formation of the aesthetic culture of diet in the Han Dynasty and also for The necessary premise of dietary aesthetic culture.The second part mainly discusses the aesthetic interest and style contained in the food culture of the Han Dynasty from the aesthetic point of view.This paper mainly discusses three aspects: the aesthetic pursuit of the "taste,shape and color" of the diet itself,the aesthetic exploration of the important wine culture in the Han Dynasty,the aesthetic elements contained in the dietary utensils and the special interests embodied in the dietary and entertainment activities.People in the Han Dynasty had very high aesthetic requirements for food itself,which were reflected in historical books and Han Fu.The catering utensils in Han Dynasty showed the characteristics of combining Aesthetics with practice.The feasting activities in Han Dynasty also brought food into a unique artistic conception.In the third part,by discussing the influence of Yin-Yang and Five Elements doctrine on food aesthetics in Han Dynasty,we can further understand the new development of "taste",an important category of Chinese classical aesthetics in Han Dynasty.The development of the theory of Yin-Yang and Five Elements in Han Dynasty prompted the Han Dynasty to pursue the social atmosphere of immortality from top to bottom.This behavior also led to the high development of health preservation in Han Dynasty and produced a significant theory of health preservation.At the same time,"taste",an important aesthetic category in ancient China,was given new significance in the Han Dynasty.The transition from "original flavor" to "ultimate flavor" brings "flavor" into the new aesthetic field,and also has a certain impact on the birth of many theories related to "flavor" in later generations.The fourth part mainly discusses the overall significance of the aesthetic culture of food in the Han Dynasty.The aesthetic culture of the Han Dynasty is at an important stage of the development of ancient Chinese aesthetic culture.As an important and specific aesthetic phenomenon at that time,diet plays an important role in a more comprehensive understanding of the aesthetic culture of the Han Dynasty.At the same time,the formation and development of the aesthetic culture of food in Han Dynasty had many influences on other dynasties in the historical process and the development of modern civilization.Whether it was the idea or the fashion of food custom,it was inseparable from the aesthetic culture of food in this period.Therefore,the fourth chapter summarizes the important position,influence and Enlightenment of the aesthetic culture of food in the Han Dynasty on the basis of an overview of the dietary life of the Han Dynasty and a discussion of the dietary life and concepts of the Han Dynasty.To sum up,this paper aims to explore the unique taste and interest of the people in the Han Dynasty in their diet life,explore the aesthetic ideas and ideas contained in it,and try to expand and extend the study of the aesthetic culture of the Han Dynasty and Chinese aesthetic culture by surveying the diet culture of the Han Dynasty and then studying the diet culture from the aesthetic point of view.
Keywords/Search Tags:Han Dynasty, Aesthetic Culture of Food, Taste
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